R | 14 March 2014 (USA)
Enemy Trailers

A mild-mannered college professor discovers a look-alike actor and delves into the other man's private affairs.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
steve-81990 Forced to watch this. I have it sixteen minutes and wanted out but wife and daughter insisted we carry on.Awful sepia colour scheme, nonsensical spiders, un realistic conversations, slow boring camera shots, dull dull dull.
allenstarsky Worst movie ever made ,don't watch,it's the worse movie I ever seen in my life
rzajac Ultimately, it worked for me.Now, I know that sounds like "damning with faint praise." But I loved it because it was artfully made and dances on the event horizon of "takeaway opacity", that you are severely challenged to understand its ultimate meaning. I love that. I love that it was willing to do that, to exert itself to create a presentation to convey that puzzle.Of course, I have ideas of what it's about, but the whole thing rests comfortably on my back burner... where it rightfully belongs.If that bothers you--sounds like it's not yr cup o' tea--then pass it up. But I aver it truly was a masterful exercise in an odd sort of storytelling.It worked for me.
icanbeaghost The best films are the ones that haunt you, that make you scratch your head in oblivious confusion and leave you reaching for even a minuscule inkling of an answer. Enemy is one of those films. Describing it is a daunting task, as it's in a class of its own. You need to have an appreciation for this sort of artistry in order to enjoy it. And by "this sort of artistry" I mean that it is psychologically complex, self manipulative and borderline demented. Our main character is struggling with a sense of disillusioned longing and once he starts to nurture it, (and his environment begins to reflect the true nature of it), he can no longer be sure of who he even is. Jake Gyllenhaal delivers one of his finest performances and the supporting cast is stunning. The film achieves it all: a perfectly written script, convincing acting, gorgeous, (albeit creepy), cinematography and a good old fashioned element of suspenseful anticipation that will keep your eyes glued to the screen and your butt glued to the chair. Take my word for it. Watch Enemy with an open mind and savor its seductive facade. Then revisit it once you've reflected on its intended meaning, which you no doubt will do. Upon subsequent viewings it will engage you all over again in a different way and you will appreciate its initial purposeful misdirection. It is one of my all time favorites and has been since the first time I was graced by its presence. Whenever I feel like getting weird, Enemy is my starting point. A must see for Gyllenhaal fans and a true experience for those who are into the macabre.