Septembers of Shiraz
Septembers of Shiraz
PG-13 | 24 June 2016 (USA)
Septembers of Shiraz Trailers

In this adaptation of the critically acclaimed debut novel by Iranian American author Dalia Sofer, a secular Jewish family is caught up in the maelstrom of the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
Harpy of Old Ghis This is a very emotional movie, but it would have been much better if the main character wasn't a Jew, since all wealthy and successful people were a target at the time. It is too much of a cliche.
Sohel Akter "Septembers of Shiraz" one of my most favorite movies, is a touchy example of the 'Summary' stated above. You can say, it has forced me to realize this real life truth.This movie is a dramatization version of a famous award winning novel:"The Septembers of Shiraz (2007) is a critically acclaimed debut novel by Iranian American author 'Dalia Sofer.' It narrates the lives of a well-to-do Iranian family during and after the Iranian revolution which additionally overthrew the Shah and ushered in the Islamic republic." ................(Wikipedia)Directed by 'Wayne Blair', Screenplay from 'Hanna Weg' and mind blowing appearances of the stars like 'Salma Hayek' & 'Adrien Brody' a perfect 'Thriller' was released on June 24, 2016 in the USA.From my point of view there is nothing so much there for saying or reviewing rather than watching the movie full length at a time. I'm pretty much sure that it will thrill you away. Here I'm just pointing at some major issues relevance with this film.It's Plot reflects that - While ruling Parties were marginalized or outlawed, Social and political protest was often met with censorship, surveillance, or harassment. Along with illegal detention and torture were common.Adrien Brody and Salma Hayek are none-too-convincing Tehran Jews caught up in the Iranian Revolution in this adaptation of Dalia Sofer's bestseller - "Septembers of Shiraz".Jeweler Isaac (Adrien Brody) is a self-made man who considers himself apolitical, he and his wife, Farnez (Salma Hayek), got rich catering to the royals and their cronies. Their teenage son, Parviz (Jamie Ward), is packed off to boarding school in the U.S., in effect fleeing the political turmoil like many of the privileged Iranian class. But his parents are reluctant to leave their homeland with their younger daughter, Shirin (Ariana Molkara), delaying that decision until too late."Indeed, the revolution aroused fears among Iranian Jews and around two thirds of the community left the country." ................ as per an International survey"An additional information - At least 13 Jews have been executed in Iran since the Islamic revolution, most of them for either religious reasons or their connection to Israel. For example, in May 1998, Jewish businessman Ruhollah Kakhodah-Zadeh was hanged in prison without a public charge or legal proceeding, apparently for assisting Jews to emigrate." Finally I want to add, out of the many catastrophes that the Jewish people have been through during the revolution, "Septembers of Shiraz"s story was one of the first with a happy ending.As an exceptional movie lover - watch it! Realize it!
Jiri Severa I was touched by the movie even though the script was not what it could have been and some of the interactions (Farneh x Habibeh, Habibeh x Morteza) seemed too contrived and over-scripted. I am not sure whether this carried over from the novel or originated in the movie script. But the story overall is compelling and has an unmistakable feel of reality. The cruelty and moral corruption rings true and obviously is not something that comes from any particular ideology or religion. Some people in times of chaos, social upheavals or revolutions turn into animals and find all sorts of pseudo-moral excuses for being that way. Times of disorder will always invite rapine, settling of personal accounts and revolting inhumanity. Adrien Brody as Isaac and Alon Aboutboul as his jailer and interrogator were excellent. Their interaction make the film well worth while seeing.
Suzie I'm not Iranian nor Jewish or do I have anything to do with this production. This movie is just boring. The script itself leaves a lot to be desired.This script should not have been made into a film. In truth, this film is so-so and fails compared to a real documentary. In entertainment, this film film fails completely compared to better films from the US and Iran.Production-wise it's a mixed bag. I don't fault them for hiring non-Iranian actors or using English, that is, I don't dock points, but they don't get bonus points for using English. All these small things add up. The place doesn't look like Iran and they didn't even try that hard. I see a better effort from a TV "small screen" shows like Tyrant and Homeland than this supposed "big screen" Hollywood film.There are obviously 10 star reviews from people that liked the films message more than they liked the film. Yes, the regime sucks. Yes, looting is bad. No, the movie still sucks.Rotten Tomatoes: 33% Metacritic: 16% Guardian, Roger Ebert, etc. 1/5 or so.It's not "polarizing," it's just a crappy film in a world filled with great films, great TV shows and great documentaries.