Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie
Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie
PG-13 | 28 December 2004 (USA)
Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Movie Trailers

While Ron Burgundy's rivalry with Veronica Corningstone escalates quickly, a group of unprofessional thieves better known as 'The Alarm Clock' try to make the truth known, whatever that may mean...

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
twiztidhomeboy I just saw this the other day and felt compelled to write a review! This movie is most certainly not one to watch if you haven't already seen Anchorman:The legend of Ron Burgundy, but if you have, and you loved it (I do!) then this is a truly welcome addition.The story comprises of a sub plot intended for Anchorman that was dropped (presumeably because it wasn't that good) involving a terrorist organisation called "The Alarm Clock" hence the Wake up Ron Burgundy! title. The Alarm Clock are easily the worst terrorist group in the world having no political agenda, and not really knowing what they are doing, end up kidnapping Veronica Corningstone to use her to broadcast their as yet undecided political statement. So it's up to the rest of the intrepid news team to save her.There are some truly hilarious bits in this film, one where Champ Kind is professing his undying love for Ron in the car but everyone pretends they can't hear him is very funny, and another where we learn that the seemingly stupid Brick Tamlind was in fact the leader of a group of soldiers in the Vietnam war with the other news team members is very funny.All in all, it's one for the fan boys, not for the people who didn't like Anchorman, and it's only a bit of a laugh anyway, it was never a theatrical release.9/10
movieman_kev A collection of Deleted scenes and alternative takes, edited together and with added voice-over to make it appear to take place after the events of the first. Pretty cool idea, but deleted scenes are left on the cutting room floor for a reason and this is further proof. As it's just not as funny as "Anchorman", and really let's face it THAT film wasn't exactly comedy gold either, so you get a 'movie' worse than one that was moderately funny. In my eyes that STILL puts it one or two notches above "Kicking and Screaming", or "Bewitched". Chross your fingers that "The Wedding Crashers" is a return to old school form (no pun intended) My Grade: D
SublimeCDS This film is definitely worth checking out if you were a fan of the theatrical film "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy." This feature seems to be made of cut footage from the first movie, including a complete alternate ending for the original film. In many ways, this second ending makes more sense from a writing standpoint, as many things that are introduced early on in the script (that are funny on their own, don't get me wrong) come back in the dramatic conclusion.The only flaw in this feature is that it tries to pass itself off a sequel, instead of cut footage, and it doesn't quite work. Then again, if you can suspend your disbelief -- that concept becomes pretty funny, as well.Chock full of great material from Will Ferrell, this film also gives some more screen time for Paul Rudd, Steve Carell, and David Koechner. Justin Long (Dodgeball) even makes an appearance.Great stuff... although it starts to raise the question - how much money did they spend on this movie? Enjoy folks!Goulet.
BanyardGuy99 First off, this is a very funny sequel. Even though it isn't technically a sequel, actually it is some cut footage from the original version of "Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy". I have to admit, this is somewhat superior in parts to the original. There are even some parts of the film that make me wonder why they were cut out in the first place. There are some stand out scenes that are absolutely hysterical (Champ, admitting his secret love for Ron, The Cannibalism scene with 7-Eleven & Burger King seen in the background). This is truly a work of Monty Python-esquire satire. This plot of alarm-clock bandits is MUCH, MUCH better then the panda plot in the original. It's a wonder why the director and studio felt the need to change the plot from this to the panda sub-plot. I HIGHLY, recommend "Wake Up, Ron Burgundy"!
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