Twilight Zone: The Movie
Twilight Zone: The Movie
PG | 24 June 1983 (USA)
Twilight Zone: The Movie Trailers

An anthology film presenting remakes of three episodes from the "Twilight Zone" TV series—"Kick the Can", "It's a Good Life" and "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet"—and one original story, "Time Out."

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
andyvanberkum Twilight Zone: The Movie is both scary and enchanting. Man oh man, did it frighten me. I would not want to eat peanut butter sandwiches while watching that scary bunny. Poor Grandpa Pete. Whatever happened to his mind.Funny eyeballs and monsters that eat airplanes. Old people that play kick the can and become young again. Dan Akyroyd becoming the scary man. It was truly terrifying.
generationofswine I don't understand where the "This is the first movie to give me nightmares" reviews are coming from...I mean, this was a PG movie from the '80s. And the '80s was a decade where ratings never really mattered. "Robocop" horribly bloody scenes and I remember watching it with a hole bunch of other 8 year-olds and parent's that thought "yup, kids are going to love this movie." "The Twilight Zone: The Movie" was tame compared to soooo many other movies people that were little kids in the '80s liked to watch..."Nightmare on Elm Street." My mom and dad made me wait until I was in 3rd grade to watch that one.Anyway, almost all of the stories had happy endings, almost all of them had morals. And even as a little kid you can walk away learning something about life.And we did, in our own little way. It falls under a beloved Childhood Classic for a lot of kids my age...who are adults now. Not as cherished as The Goonies, but still one of the movies that we would never pass on when the opportunity to watch it came around...And the amazing thing is, that stuck to adulthood. I can pass on childhood favorites like Firewalker and Iron Eagle...but I can't pass on this...I still have to sit down and watch it.
poe426 TWILIGHT ZONE- THE MOVIE is remarkably true to the spirit of the television series upon which it is based. The fact that three of the four segments are actually REMAKES of classic episodes (and are all brilliantly directed, if you ask me) goes a long way towards explaining WHY the movie's so True to its Source- but these are well-thought-out remakes as opposed to just rehashes; and the Landis episode would've made an excellent episode of the original series as well: it, too, is True to the Spirit of the Source. (The best episode of the revived teleseries itself was the William Friedkin version of Robert R. McCammon's NIGHTCRAWLERS, although it was one in a million... and there WEREN'T a million episodes, if you see what I'm saying...) Any fan of the original series will love this one.
leplatypus First of all, i can watch at last this movie. When i was a teen, our parents allowed to see the first sketch but then we had to go to bed as we got school the next day (see also « poltergeist » for more details). I just remember that the prologue really scared me and that my friends told me accurately the next sketches. Then, in 2012, i got the ticket to watch it on screen at the Cinematheque during Spielberg's retrospective but i didn't go. Today, i rent it and if the movie was not really bad, with all the excellent directors here, it's still a disappointment. The major defect for me is that they could have tried to link all the sketches to have a basic unity : as the prologue ends with a automobile parking in a road, i would have started with Dante's part. Then, as this one ends in the same way, i would have cross the « family's » car with the racist one arriving at his bar. Then, as this one ends on the street, i would have put Gloom's in the street before entering Sunnyvale. As Spielberg ends with a street view, i would have shoot the sky to find Miller's plane.Next, if the Zone is a place of mystery and discomfort, Spielberg's sketch should have been cut as it's too sugary and optimist. The interesting fact is that it had the same feeling and atmosphere as its future « Hook » !The Miller's sketch is wrong since its beginning as Lithgow is already crazy (the same thing that Stephen King said about Nicholson in « Shining »).Thus, you have really two good sketches : Landis' one about a punished racist and Dante's about a terror kid ! They were indeed interesting as you don't see often those kind of stories often and their cast is good (with Dante's familiars and the future Mr X). Finally, the result is mixed but i don't remember to have seen a memorable sketch movie either.