X-Men: The Last Stand
X-Men: The Last Stand
PG-13 | 26 May 2006 (USA)
X-Men: The Last Stand Trailers

When a cure is found to treat mutations, lines are drawn amongst the X-Men—led by Professor Charles Xavier—and the Brotherhood, a band of powerful mutants organised under Xavier's former ally, Magneto.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
djfrost-46786 This is a darker xmen movie. I don't care for it as much. The make Jean Grey very bad.
TownRootGuy ... which did not come in the form I had expected. I wasn't happy when they abandoned this line but Future Past was an acceptable compromise. This has an outstanding cast, excellent action, fantastic FX, great eye candy AND the funny is just a beast. This one gets a little darker than the first two but it's still a lot of fun. It used to be my favorite by far but I've been wavering the last couple viewings. I suspect I'll fall in line soon and have to grudgingly accept this is not as good as its predecessors. Still, it's a great movie and I can watch it yearly.
shadowsect This movie probably doesn't deserve as harsh a rap as it gets, even though there are definitely things to criticize. Since there are… let's go with the negative stuff first.Jean's character was completely ruined. Who thought this was a good idea? "I know guys! Let's make Jean into this super sexualized character that absolutely no one is going to have a problem with! Fan service for the guys, right?" Yeah no, it wasn't pretty. Completely destroyed her character, only saved by the ending.The first half was also pretty garbage. Cyclops is moody? Let's just kill him off. Lot of characters were thrown away from the previous movies. Nightcrawler is nowhere to be seen, and the mutants that are added are just there for a fight or to be thrown away like garbage. Dishonorable mention to the angel, who is just there to advance the plot and save one guy. It's unnecessary and padding, despite the movie being only an hour and a half.Now for the positives. The second half of the movie was the BOMB. The whole sequence at the base was pretty astounding, with witty dialogue, good fights, and some really emotional damage. Character development was in spades, and last part was…. damn. There's a reason this movie is referenced after-the-fact, and not tossed aside like X-Men Origins: Wolverine (who thought Deadpool being mute was a good idea? NOBODY)The themes were still there too, maybe closer than ever. There's also a moment in the movie that will completely blindside you that I won't spoil. It really shocked me, and hit me right in the heart. That moment is also the turning point for when it gets really good, so you'll know it when you see it. This movie was also a lot more popcorn-y. That can be good or bad to some people.It's unfortunate that the fate of this movie was, overall, a popcorn superhero flick, something the first two films tried to avoid (and did a good job), but that doesn't mean this movie is bad and ruins the trilogy as it stands. It's just disappointing to leave off on not the greatest of movies. Getting Matrix flashbacks. Though this is better compared to The Matrix Reloaded, NOT the godawful Revolutions.I'd still give it a shot. Rent it or find it on TV if you can. I may be overly critical, but the second half is worth it. (Not the after- credits scene. Do me a favor and don't stick around for that or it'll ruin some of the emotion of this movie). Gave this movie a higher rating on movies sites to bump up it's miserably low score, but on here…Rating: C
qmtv Toy of a movie. Entertaining while it last. Nothing of substance. I hated the first movie – crap acting, story, fx, cinematography, just plain garbage I hated the 2nd movie as well, a little better than the first but still crap. This, the 3rd movie was better than the first two, but still crap. It's entertaining while it lasts. But when you start to think about it, everything just movies fast, too many characters, everything just happens. The professor and a few of the characters die, cyclops dies off screen, what happened? We don't know. The movie rating is a C, or a 4 or 5 stars, 1 is given for balance. Next time slow it down, not so many cuts/edits, get a better screenwriter and actors, it's not all about the action and fx.
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