Puppet Master: Axis of Evil
Puppet Master: Axis of Evil
NR | 15 January 2010 (USA)
Puppet Master: Axis of Evil Trailers

Following the murder of Andre Toulon by Nazi assassins during the height of World War II, a young Danny Coogan finds his crate of mysterious puppets, and discovers their plan to attack a secret American manufacturing plant.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
quridley David DeCoteau is a talented microbudget horror director and he's directed some of the better, more artful Puppet Master films. Parts 3, 6 and 7 are some of the most competently directed, serious and beautifully shot Full Moon films. "Axis of Evil" fits in with them, but its the weakest of his efforts through no fault of his own.The problem with Pt 9 (since Charles Band disgustingly counts a "Best of" tape as Pt 8) is that its a much, much cheaper rehash of 7 which was a rehash of 3. The plot follows a young man fighting the Nazis in a dark urban setting, losing his loved ones and then getting revenge. Pt 3 is a good film but remaking it twice is twice too many. Worst of all is that the puppets have less to do with the story and they look shabbier in each film. Lets face it: the puppets are the stars.Its gorgeously shot, directed as well as a fast and cheap horror film can be and you have to admire the craftsmanship of a movie filmed for peanuts, but its not entertaining or original enough. This is the 1st of a trilogy and so you don't receive any closure but you do feel a rage at the cynical money-grubbing quality of Full Moon's lesser films. What a waste of DeCoteau and a modest Puppet Master premise.
Paul Andrews Puppet Master: Axis of Evil starts at Bodega Bay hotel during 1939 as two Nazi's Max (Tom Sandoval) & Klaus (Aaron Riber) search for puppeteer Andre Toulon who has developed a serum to bring his inanimate wooden puppets to life, before Max & Klaus can find Toulon he kills himself & his secrets are seemingly lost forever. However a young craftsman named Danny Coogan (Levi Fiehler) discovers Toulon's puppets & magical serum & takes them back home with him. Frustrated at not being able to fight on the World War II front line Danny recognises one of the Nazi's while visiting his girlfriend & is determined to prove that he is right, Danny learns of the Nazi's teaming up with the Japanese in an attempt to sabotage the American war effort & Danny, along with his killer puppets, decides he has to stop them...Directed by David DeCoteau this is, believe it or not, the ninth entry in the Puppet Master series of killer toy films that really should have ended after part three although parts four & five are alright but everything after that sucks with this Puppet Master: Axis of Evil being the worst of the lot. The Puppet Master films have long since gone past the point where the makers no longer number them & just try to give them cool sounding subtitles but that doesn't fool anybody, does it? This is total crap if I am being honest, the plot is silly with the killer puppets having less & less to do with each film, here they barely feature & just tend to stand around while the script manages to make an entire spin-off film out of the five minute pre-credits sequence from the original Puppetmaster (1989) which is as bad as it sounds & the puppets get to fight the Nazi's & Japs who are planning to blow up some sort of factory somewhere in the US, hey none of it is explained so don't expect anything more revelatory than that because you will be disappointed. The script takes a stab at bring up moralistic issues about going to war, staying behind, the impact on friends & family & other such points but it's all pretty boring & is badly written sub soap opera melodrama of the worst kind. Is there anything positive I can say about Puppet Master: Axis of Evil? Well, actually no.There are not enough kills or gore here with the puppets underused yet again, OK I understand special effects are expensive but what else are we even watching this crap for if not for the cool killer puppets? A guy eats a Leech when he mistakes it for some of his dinner (I am not joking either), a guy gets the top of his head drilled & thats about it. The kills, settings, special effects & build-up are very lame & forgettable. The new puppet Ninja is awful & is far to bland & ordinary looking. Set in late 30's America there are a few decent costumes but the majority of the film takes place in one of four locations. In fact the best looking parts of the film are those edited in from the original Puppetmaster.Filmed in China this is set entirely in the US, I assume it was cheaper to film over there than in the US as penny pinching Charles Band doesn't like to spend money if he doesn't have to. The acting is bad from all involved, it's not just the puppets that look lifeless & wooden here.Puppet Master: Axis of Evil is terrible, the end leaves things wide open for a further sequel which I can only hope I will never see but know that I will still be dumb enough to watch it. Watch the original again instead or one of the two first sequels when the makers were still trying to make good films.
homecoming8 The original "Puppet Master" (1989) was an excellent horror movie, and the biggest success for the production company Full Moon. The first two sequels were certainly okay, they both had something to add to the original story. After that, Puppet Master 4 and 5 were shot back-to- back: awful cheap PG-13 movies which really sucked in a big way. That can also be said for the sixth and seventh one. "Puppet Master: The Legacy" was more of a homage, a best-of which included mostly scenes from the earlier ones. It was the eight one if I'm not mistaking. No idea why they had to make another one (part 9 or 10 already, I lost track). Directed by David DeCoteau. He also directed the third one which was actually a pretty good sequel. But that was a-l-o-n-g time ago. He's responsible for cheap garbage like the "Brotherhood" movies. He really should be locked up for crap like that. "Puppet Master: Axis of Evil" is not really that better. The best moments are in the beginning when scenes from the original one are included with William Hickley as Andre Toulon. That is also the big flaw because the quality of those scenes and the new movie couldn't be more different. The story sucks, the cast is pretty awful and painfully to watch. The characters make no sense at all. The puppets are given a very limited screen time. The best scenes are.. again the clips from the original movie. No real horror or gore here, no tension or thrills. Just boring from start to finish. I hope there will never be another Puppet Master sequel and that DeCoteau will never make another "movie". This franchise is just like the "Hellraiser" franchise: it really is a trilogy, the rest is just totally awful...
shootyhoops I'm a huge fan of the Puppet Master series and have been praying for a sequel worthy of making me forget about crappy sequels such as Curse of the Puppet Master and Puppet Master: Legacy.UNFORTUNATELY, my prayers were NOT answered and was presented the antithesis of what I wanted.Why this movie SUCKED?1. God Awful acting. Yes, I know it's a B-movie and not to expect Oscar worthy performances, but this was VERY sub-par for a B-movie or a Full Moon production in general. The actress who played Ozu did one of the WORST Asian accents ever. She sounded like a constipated Bernadette Peters. The Nazi's kept falling out of a German accent into a VERY American sounding accent. Actually, I don't think they were ever speaking in a German accent. The actor who played Don was VERY annoying and I was kind of glad when the character died and became a silent puppet.2. NO Respect to History and NO Effort in Writing. The writers clearly did NOT pick up a history book. This movie is set in 1939 and yet Pearl Harbor, Nazi Death Camps, and Kamikaze pilots have already existed. These things did NOT happen until after 1941. This movie was just an excuse to spew out every anti-Japanese/German sentiment said during WWII. In addition to the poor attention to details, the movie sounded like it was written by an elementary school student.Bottom Line: Watch it online for free!
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