Black Devil Doll
Black Devil Doll
| 31 October 2007 (USA)
Black Devil Doll Trailers

Five hot sexy young big-breasted chicks are raped, abused, tortured, and killed (?) by an evil jive-ass talking doll possessed by the spirit of an executed black militant death row inmate. Who will survive...

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
PodBill Just what I expected
Pluskylang Great Film overall
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
artpf This is one of the most original and perfect exploitation films ever made.Black rapist of multiple white chicks is executed and comes back as a black Jerry Mahonny puppet.Isn't that enough?OMG! This movie is one original and funny 75 minutes.Clearly X rated, but so good. And Refreshing.Our dead and resurrected black puppet goes through a plethora of white hos before meeting his end.Puh-lenty of topless babes.So funny
krousesh Worst "film" ever made. Unless you're on a self-torturing adventure to watch the crappiest "movies" ever made, (which in this case would take the cake), please, please spare yourself the torment.Basically, this is a crappy blacksploitation rip-off of Child's Play. Only, instead of the classic horror character of Chucky, this film is centered around a racist, black womanizing doll who has a sick, twisted compulsion to have sex with the nastiest looking white chicks, before killing them.An episode of Barney the Dinosaur has more genius to its writing than this crapfest. The "comedy" is bottom of the barrel, racist nonsense. It's repetitiveness is more painful than drilling through your own head. The "acting" is the worst I've ever seen. You'd be more likely to find better actors simply asking random people on the street to read the lines from the script. The camera-work sucks, the "directing" is awful, and the "special effects" stink. Everything about this "movie" sucks. I don't care how small this "film's" budget was. There's simply no excuse for such mediocrity. Clerks, Eraserhead, and Paranormal Activity are three films that were made with roughly equal budgets. And those can actually be called films, unlike this pile of garbage.It kills me that I have to even give this a 1 out of 10, because a 1 is a far too-generous rating for this crap.
mm1palmer Is there any reason this film was made? Was it a contest to make a movie that couldn't interest anybody, even a drunk stoner? There was no acting; good, bad or otherwise.There was actually an idea that could have resulted in a good comedy-horror film in the vein of Meat Weed Madness or some of the other Troma films. Or a sexploitation film like Seduction Cinema makes. The bad acting, script and effects could have actually been used to make this film a cult movie, but everything in the movie was just a waste of time and money to make.In fact the only redeeming value to the movie is that it gives credit to the plastic surgeon who I assume did the augmentation on some of the actresses. This is good because now other people will know who to avoid, unless they want a bad augmentation.
homecoming8 With the death of a notorious criminal, his minds transfers into a doll (Child's Play anyone ?). He can now speak and wants more blood and.. pussy. "Black Devil Doll" is a very low-budget production that fails in every way. It is not a horror. It is not a comedy. It is not a porn. The greatest flaw is the so-called cast. The girls can't act at all and their characters are nothing more than annoying and unattractive sluts, certainly not good looking. The kind you see in very bad and very cheap porn movies (I'm sure that's exactly where they come from in the first place..) Hard to watch them really, even when they are naked. Yes, there is nudity but it is rather boring. Yes, there is some blood but it is done in a very cheap and unconvincing way. The throat-cutting scene at the end of the movie is the only thing worth watching, but also not great either. Is it funny ? Hell, no. The doll is just like the ladies, very annoying and dull. The story is stupid and everything in it does not make any sense at all. I really have no idea why people love this movie, it was just all bad from start to finish (running time is just over 1 hour, fortunately).