Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys
Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys
NR | 18 December 2004 (USA)
Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys Trailers

A group of toymakers seek to use Andre Toulon's formula, now in the hands of Toulon's great-nephew Robert, to give life to a line of killer toys that they plan to unleash on Christmas Eve.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Michael_Elliott Puppet Master vs. Demonic Toys (2004) * (out of 4) Even though both the PUPPET MASTER and DEMONIC TOYS series were from Charles Band and Full Moon Entertainment, this film itself pretty much stands on its own as it was produced by a different company and originally aired on the Sci-Fi Channel. With that said, it's still the ninth in the PUPPET MASTER series with our favorite puppets back and also the third in the TOYS series (for those who actually care). It's just days before Christmas and the grandson of Andre Toulon (Corey Feldman) is attempting to bring the puppets back to life but he must find the correct formula. Once he and his young daughter bring the puppets back, a female toy maker (Vanessa Angel) wants the secret so that her demonic toys can be released and kill millions of children. Soon the two sides are doing battle but I'm sure most viewers will be asleep by then. There's no doubt that this is an extremely bad movie that really doesn't have any of the spirit of the previous PUPPET MASTER movies. It's no secret but the series was already well dried up by the time a new company tried to deliver fresh life into so you really can't hate this film any more than the previous few. I think the biggest problem is that the screenplay is constantly going for all sorts of weird humor. I'm not certain if they thought this stuff was going to be funny or if they just wanted to do something very cheap and quick. I usually enjoy Feldman but he's pretty bad here as they've got him doing a strange accent and they have him wearing some gray in the old hair. I'm guessing they were meaning for him to be an "older" man but he certainly doesn't look it and especially with such an older daughter on hand. The actor really seems to be struggling with the part but the screenplay certainly does him no favors. Angel appears to be having a good time playing bad but she's certainly not believable at it. Silvia Suvadova isn't too bad as a police woman and Danielle Keaton isn't too bad as the daughter. Another major problem is the fact that the puppets rarely get to do anything other than sit on a shelf and look around. There's one attack sequence that contains very little blood and the big finale is just a joke without any shocks or excitement. PUPPET MASTER VS. DEMONIC TOYS is a crossover that no one really asked for and it's also one of the worst out there.
mk_freak90 OK, I'm probably not the first to say this. But this was one of the worst films I have EVER seen! The scenes where the puppets are moving, why did they SPEED UP THE CAMERA? It made no sense! They never used the original toys from Demonic toys, just some half A$$ed cheap versions! When did Baby Oopsie Daisey ever have a hood on his costume? Why does Jack attack look stupid? He had a realistic face in the original why the f#ck did they change it? I gave this movie a 3/10 because I gave it mercy points. Mainly because they got the original puppets from puppet master and they also had Corey Feldman. Who I have to say did a great job in Lost Boys! So I'm going to end this review by saying I felt this film had potential. But they messed everything up. Next time Fullmoon direct, if your reading this. DON'T EVER GIVE YOUR FILMS TO OTHER COMPANIES! Thanks for reading this review. PS. I hope Demonic Toys Personal Demons will be much better than this garbage!
Fallen_angel_kizmet When I saw the previews for this when it came out, I was gonna watch it. I wanted to watch it. I've never seen any of the Demonic Toys or the Puppet Master movies before this, but seeing how bad this movie was I don't even wanna see it. first off, for the low budget this movie was extremely awful. And you don't need a big budget to make a good movie. The acting was bad, the plot was rushed, and the final scene where the puppets fight the demonic toys was lame. I knew how bad this movie was gonna be when the puppets came to life and the strings were visible. I couldn't believe they hadn't noticed it.But then again I shouldn't have expected much from it because just about every sci-fi Saturday night movie premiere is lame and totally blows. Don't watch this movie thinking it's horrifying, it was laughable at how bad it was and it wasn't even meant to be that way.This movie BLOWS
Claudio Carvalho In California, the great-nephew of Andre Toulon and owner of the Toulon Doll Hospital Robert Toulon (Corey Feldman) has found with his daughter Alexandra (Danielle Keaton) an ancient formula that brings the puppets back to life with his blood. However, the devilish owner of the Share Toys, Erica Sharpe (Vanessa Angel), who has made a deal with the demon named Bael, has a hidden camera in Toulon's place and discovers his secret. She has the intention of using his formula to reanimate the Christmas Palls, a successful toy manufactured by her factory, to cause the greatest slaughter of innocents on the Christmas morning. But Robert, together with his daughter, Sergeant Jessica Russell (Silvia Suvadova) and the guardian's puppets Jester, Pinhead, Blades and Six Shooter fight against Erica, Bael and her evil toys to save the mankind."Puppet Master vs Demonic Toys" is cheesy and lame, with silly screenplay and poor dialogs associated to bad acting. Corey Feldman is not funny and his character is actually annoying. Vanessa Angel is histrionic with her exaggerated performance. Danielle Keaton is sweet and Silvia Suvadova is reasonable. The result is a forgettable B-movie that is neither a comedy nor a horror movie. My vote is four.Title (Brazil): "Brinquedos Diabólicos" ("Diabolic Toys")