The Care Bears Movie
The Care Bears Movie
G | 23 March 1985 (USA)
The Care Bears Movie Trailers

The Care Bears team up with a troubled brother and sister who just moved to a new town to help a neglected young magician's apprentice whose evil spell book causes sinister things to happen.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Yvonne Jodi Unshakable, witty and deeply felt, the film will be paying emotional dividends for a long, long time.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Veronika Vykoukalova When I was a small kid, this was one of my favourite movies - one of those I watched every time I was forced to be at home because I was ill, and believe me, it was something that happened to me quite a lot.First of all, I always watched only the Czech dubbed version of this movie, and since in my opinion those voices were masterfully chosen, it definitely added on the magic that is The Care Bears. That being said, maybe one of the reasons why I still like this movie is that there had been no madness with the same name, as some other reviewers say. True, the movie may seem as overly naive and even stupid to us nowadays, since we are used to see tons of blood and violence at every second step in absolutely everything, so this movie, focused on feelings, compassion and friendship is somehow alien to us.All in all, maybe it really is just naivety on my side, but I really can't imagine not watching this movie, once I've seen it for the very first time.
Lauren Yes, I know I am an adult, but this movie just brings back good memories. I used to watch the care bears every day, and even play care bears with my friends. These cuddly little bears help teach us the important lessons of life, like how to care, share and grow up to be wonderful members of society.The plot is that two children who are put up for adoption begin to doubt the world and humanity. The care bears sense their trouble and whisk them off to care-a-lot. Meanwhile, another little boy who works for the circus unleashes a nasty spirit that causes everyone on earth to quit caring. It is up to the care bears to teach the kids how to care, and teach the whole world how to care before time runs out. It's full of adventure and delightful characters. And meeting the care bear cousins in the forest of feelings was a great addition. Will the world ever care again? Watch and find out.
iraklis28 It's a great film cause it hasn't got too much violence as other new cartoons do, and it bring back memory's to grownups of there childhood days. the songs are great, especially the main song which i think is called care-a-lot which is what's it about, and it truly gets you in the heart where it's suppose proves that the 80's cartoons were better than todays cartoons made by Japanese, cause they always like killing and fighting, but this animated film show we shouldn't kill or hate each other in the world but care for each other by being friends and sharing and caring and even helping each other have a great life with happiness around us.
Seshanna Hosenfeld Let's face it - the world has grown into a rather unpleasant place, and the recent generations of children are more jaded than any I or my mother have ever seen. Toys are over-priced, uninventive and children get bored with them in a matter of days. Children's movies today are much the same, getting shorter and shorter every movie and teaching children nothing.If anyone with children or younger siblings has ever had to suffer through current children's programming, you'll see what I mean. They're reverse-educational; a young child pointed at the Teletubbies sun and said "Baby," and then pointed at the real sun and said "Baby." Blues Clues teaches children to shout(trust me on this one,) and shows such as 'the Wiggles' remind me far too much of PeeWee Herman (the worst "children's" show of all time.)So rewind TV - go back to 80's cartoons. Even though Care Bears were originally piloted to advertise the toys, the show evolved into something NICE. The animation was far from spectacular, especially when compared to today's computer animation, and the story lines WERE simple. But it had something to offer children that 99% of new cartoons don't offer - examples of non-violent resolutions to conflicts, sharing thoughts and items with others, being open about your feelings, caring about yourself and others. These 80's cartoons encouraged children to not be jaded, selfish and rotten brats. (And if you don't believe me that today's violence-fed kids are brats, just go to my sister's elementary school - I've NEVER seen so many 5th graders dressed like whores in my life.)Storyline and morality aside, you should also pay attention to the music. Following the habits of 80's cartoons and movies, there are numerous song and dance numbers randomly inserted into conversation. But they are certainly striking in the boldness of them. And by this I mean the harmonies. Cue up the song "Home Is In Your Heart" on your movie or cd and just listen. The harmonies running through the song feel as though they should clash against each other and explode, but they just miss that clashing point and somehow manage to work very well. You can distinctly hear the SATB lines, and how soprano and tenor carry a lot of the melody and the base and alto are used to interesting harmonies. Just listen. The music was really well written. Long story short, let your children watch movies like this, and if you feel that they didn't learn anything from it, discuss the movie with them. 6.5/10