The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland
The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland
G | 07 August 1987 (USA)
The Care Bears Adventure in Wonderland Trailers

The cuddly Care Bears and their cousins star in this charming third feature-length film incorporating characters from Alice in Wonderland. A young girl named Alice and the Care Bears travel together into the whimsical land of the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat. In this magical story about friendship and self-esteem, they try to thwart an evil wizard's attempt to become the King of Wonderland.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Whitech It is not only a funny movie, but it allows a great amount of joy for anyone who watches it.
Eric Stevenson After watching "Surf Nazis Must Die", ANYTHING would seem like "The Princess Bride" from that. This movie did the trick and even though it was still bad, it was legions ahead of SNMD. I have to admit that I was never a "Care Bears" fan as a kid. I may have had a book or two about them, but that was about it. I guess this was something that was done more for the fans. The most positive thing is that the animation is pretty good. I actually do like the Cheshire Cat character and he had a lot of personality to him.I feel bad for not knowing any of the names of these guys except Grumpy Bear. I actually do like how they're doing something different in the series. The silliest scenes are probably when they're searching the whole world for Alice! Wow, they're pretty fast. The characters, especially the wizard's henchmen are really annoying. I do understand that this is a film made for little kids, so it should be alright for them. At least this doesn't have anything offensive in it. The plot does make little sense, so it's just forgettable. **
evilgnik I was actually upset with this movie at first because I thought it was overkill. While I still think it is somewhat the movie isn't that bad. The over all story is mediocre but it wasn't done badly. Then there's the songs! I've seen all 3 care bear movies and liked all the songs in them. While I think the soundtrack to the second movie is the best - what could beat Growing Up and Forever Young?, the songs were good in this one as well. My favorites were Rise and Shine and Has Anybody Seen This Girl. The rap at the end was kind of lame but funny in a weird way. I know I'm probably being really generous, maybe because I'm biased towards care bears but I'll give this one 10 stars.
Matthew Hartzell I saw this as a kid in the 80s and loved it and for that reason it will always remain a part of me. I was not a Care Bears fan or anything, but this movie was a lot of fun. The characters were very developed. The story was a lot of fun. The animation was decent. And the songs really stand out. Usually, the music in animated children's movies is pretty pitiful, but these songs are good! "Everything is wonderful in wonderland", "Mad about Hats", "Dont forget to use your heart", and a whole bunch of others. It's funny, it has good messages for kids, Alice is cute, and the animations is really psychedelic because this is set in *Wonderland* of course. The wizard is scary and his two assistants are hilarious. So is the Chesher Cat. See it!
La Gremlin Time to clarify something. This is the movie most people accuse the FIRST Care Bears adventure of being: a saccharine squirm fest. Now I happen to like the Care Bears (I pretty much ran to their defence in my review of their first movie, which I STILL recommend), but this was just a really bad concept to begin with.It's as if the producers wanted to do an "Alice in Wonderland" movie, then got bored about halfway through and decided to throw the Bears in. Oddly, this isn't based on the Lewis Carrol books but on Disney's version of Wonderland (so it's a movie inspired by another movie inspired by a book). Even so, it has it's moments. The way they envision the Cheshire Cat is very inventive and possibly the best reason to give this movie a look (if you've seen it already you know what I'm talking about, otherwise rent it and fast forward through any scenes that don't involve the Cat). There's a nice message about believing in yourself, but it's nearly negated by the stupid cop-out ending.There is, however, one more thing that totally saves the movie. Three words: Grumpy Bear RAPPING!!!