My Little Pony: The Movie
My Little Pony: The Movie
G | 06 June 1986 (USA)
My Little Pony: The Movie Trailers

The first day of Spring is on its way and the Little Ponies are preparing for it with a big festival. But all the fun may come to an end if the witch Hydia has her way! Can the Ponies defeat Hydia and her evil daughters, Reeka and Draggle? More importantly, can they save Ponyland from the witches’ concoction, the strange purple goo called Smooze, that’s threatening to bury the whole town?

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
lukevisser I was introduced into the new MLP:FiM sometime in late 2011/early 2012, and checked it out because of a lot of people talked about it. I became somewhat of a brony later in spring 2012, yet I also heard about the older generations, although I shrugged it off. Not too late this summer, I became curious of the G1 episodes, and it was fairly good. I decided to give this movie a go, and I though it wasn't too bad. There's a few iffy moments in the movie, but it shouldn't ruin anything. One of the major flaws was that some of the voices sounded nasally in the songs. But what's not to like about adventurous ponies? And this is coming from a guy.
loserfilmnerd I'd first like to point out that if it wasn't for the newest My Little Pony show, I wouldn't have any interest in My Little Pony at all. But, since I was bored, I decided to watch the original theatrical movie on Youtube, and, while it wasn't a great movie, it wasn't that bad either.Things I liked: -The animation was pretty good, especially compared to the later series My Little Pony N Friends. There were some rather obvious animation errors, but overall everything moved smoothly, and there was quite a bit of movement.-I also really liked the backgrounds. They were very detailed, and some parts just looked gorgeous.-I thought the musical score was very whimsical.-The story was easy to follow, and it moved along at a decent pace.-There were a few suspenseful moments. Adults should find these mildly amusing, children will probably find them exciting.Things I disliked: -The characters had no interesting personalities. A lot of them just seemed to be filler, the rest only had one personality trait to go on.-The villain was weak. She had no motivation, and she just wasn't threatening enough.-The songs were really bad. They were mostly forgettable, and they were all sung my horrible singers. I'd understand if one of them was sung badly for comedic effect, they were ALL sung badly. It's like they couldn't afford any professional singers.-The humor was really mostly weak. I laughed at a few lines, but the slapstick was mostly lame.I'd recommend this to parents who were fans of eighties My Little Pony if they want to introduce the franchise to their kids. But if you want an animated masterpiece you and your children will both love, I'd suggest something from Disney.
thesevensamurais I was sent on this project to supervise the animation very fast,in fact I was so excited to work on my first feature film that I never had time to look at the storyboard;I did only study the storyboard once on the plane going to 'Seoul' Korea.When I realized how big the amount of flying ponies and running ponies on the screen,I looked at my ex-wife and said to her 'This is suicide......Why did I accept this crazy job?'.............Well I did go to face my first feature film challenge and it was fun and hard,,,,I trained many people into animation just doing my best as always,and Michael Fallows joined the ranks to help supervise animation because the producers and directors might have had one year or mo0re to prepare their project,,,,but we had only 3 months to do all the production.And I must give credit to 'Nelson Shin' who forced the producers to give us our credits for supervising the animation,,,they ignored us totally.Thanks 'Nelson'.So making films is not an easy task,it takes passion or otherwise one cannot survive the experience.Thank you. Pierre De Celles
La Gremlin The first thing you need to understand about this movie is it is entitled "THE MY LITTLE PONY MOVIE". It went for a very small demographic when it was released. If you are a My Little Pony fanatic, then you are pretty much the only audience for the movie, and you've probably already seen it. If you aren't, and you get a chance to watch it anyway, it's merely a reasonably good little movie, especially for one inspired by a toy line. Other than that, you'll feel as out of the loop as (oh I don't know) an elementary school teacher asked to name all the Pokemon.Speaking as a pony COLLECTOR, on the other hand, I can heartily say that this little movie here will give you the queen mother of all nostalgia buzzes! Yeah it's cheesey and disposable, but the time capsule factor DOES count for something! Lots of fun!