Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation
G | 21 March 1986 (USA)
Care Bears Movie II: A New Generation Trailers

This animated adventure goes back in time to the Care Bears' first-ever Caring Mission, when True Heart Bear and Noble Heart Horse touch down on Earth to boost the spirits of some unhappy kids at summer camp. But the evil Dark Heart has other plans, and convinces one of the campers to help him capture the Care Bears. Will our lovable heroes' Care Stare be enough to vanquish the villain -- and convince his apprentice that good's the way to go?

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Eric Stevenson This movie's score has gone up a lot since the last time I checked, but I still think it's crap. I was willing to at least give credit for the original for having a coherent story and trying to show off some of the Care Bears mythology. What I hate is that none of this even makes sense with the original movie. I mean, it has the word "II" in its name yet it's no direct continuation of the original! We already saw the Care Bear Cousins origins and this completely changes that! In a movie that's intended to be a direct sequel, I would think you'd at least know what the original movie was about.There are too many songs to list in this movie and most of them are just plain stupid. It's so obnoxious. There's a character that's supposed to be a horse, but it's literally nothing but a bear design with long ears! I'd rather watch "My Little Pony" over this. I of course mean the original series and not the awesome new one, as I'd watch that one over anything. At the end, the villain Darkheart realizes he cares and that turns him into a real boy. What? When did anything in this story imply his mission was to become a real boy?Apparently, time moves differently as the Care Bear Cousins grow up instantly. Then again, it actually is implied time has passed back on Earth. So why are the kids the same age? At the end when the kids are waving them goodbye, they even give Darkheart the wrong character design for a moment! I knew that Christy would use her marbles to save the day. I knew really everything that would happen. This is the worst movie so far for Nostalgia Critic Month but sadly it's going to get much worse with 1987. I don't know why shattering the crystals would free the Bears either. *
wargod2010 I love this movie with a burning passion even though I'm a fourteen year old boy I can't help but love it. It's got its faults but I mean what movie doesn't? I just don't understand how someone can give this three, two or anything lower than an eight! I actually miss this series and could never find out why it got canceled, or rather replaced with weird animations. (Granted when it first aired I wasn't alive) but beyond the point. I encourage adults, parents to watch this movie with or even without their kids. I mean I've seen the cartoons on Cartoon network and Disney and all them and I personally think most are terrible. Those shows and movies have more dirty stuff in them than this! Granted that's probably why adults like to watch them every now and again but again beyond the point.
TheLittleSongbird Care Bears Movie 2: A New Generation isn't at all a bad movie. In fact, I like it very much. Yes I admit the dialogue is corny and the story is a bit poorly told at times. But Darkheart, while very very dark is a convincing enough shape shifting villain, and Hadley Kay did a superb job voicing him. Speaking of the voice acting, it was great, nothing wrong with it whatsoever. The animation is colourful, and some of the visuals particularly at the beginning were breathtaking. The songs and score are lovely, especially Growing Up and Forever Young, the latter has always been my personal favourite of the two. The care bears, who I do like, are adorable, and the human children are well done too. And the ending is a real tearjerker. All in all, harmless kiddie fun. 8/10 Bethany Cox
Russ-Williams I was worried that my daughter might get the wrong idea. I think the "Dark-Heart" character is a little on the rough side and I don't like the way he shape-shifts into a "mean" frog, fox, boy… I was wrong, This movie was made for my kid, not for me. She "gets it" when it went over (under?) my head. Of course I don't "get it". This isn't one of the NEW kids movies that adults will ALSO enjoy. This is straight for the young ones, and the crew knew what they were doing. There isn't any political junk ether. There's no magic key that will save the world from ourselves, nobody has the right to access excess, and everyone isn't happy all the time. And as a side benefit, nobody DIES! –russwill.