I Spit on Your Grave 2
I Spit on Your Grave 2
R | 20 September 2013 (USA)
I Spit on Your Grave 2 Trailers

Broke, and in desperate need to update her portfolio, New York City model Katie calls a number from a tear-off flyer offering free photos. But this innocent attempt quickly turns into an unthinkable kidnapping nightmare where she's ripped away from everyone and everything she knows.

Tuchergson Truly the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Stephan Hammond It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Michael Ledo Katie (Jemma Dallender) is a Midwestern farm girl who is in New York and desires to be a model. She does some free photography with some Russians and winds up abducted in Russia as a sex slave. If the title of the film has "spit" in it, we can rest assure it is a graphic rape/revenge film. If you have seen any of these "spit" films, you know the plot.The film gives us some quick character buildup as Katie constructs a mouse trap from household items and then moves to the violent scenes. She can easily go into and out off a berserker mode.I loved Jemma Dallender from "Community" and it appears she will be stuck in the horror genre for awhile, which is great for us horror film lovers. She has conquered the American accent with ease, but did we really need the "You Betcha" line?I liked this film more than the other films by this name, but be warned it is graphic in its rape and abuse.DVD includes some lame deleted scenes.Perv Guide: F-bomb, rape, nudity (Jemma Dallender + male frontal), urination, torture, sexual torture. 4 stars on the rape/revenge genre film scale.
johnloach Quite simply why make this movie? No redeeming features at all.The film depicts sickeningly graphic scenes of rape and despicable violence to a completely innocent young woman. This is followed by her 'revenge'.How is this entertainment? Given that this is a sequel and thus a rehash of the same loathsome storyline makes the reasoning behind making it even more difficult to understand.I suspect those who enjoy this sort of movie have some serious issues which allow them to find gratification from such trash! Shame on the cast for taking part!!!
chow913 As a major fan of exploitation films I have to be honest and say, I didn't like the original 'I Spit On Your Grave.' It was a silly film with no redeeming entertainment value.The remake? Was better. Far better acting and production quality (hard to be worse than the original) and some interesting revenge kills. Not a masterpiece but an improvement.This rushed cash in sequel brings me back to my statement about the original.The worst thing a movie can be is boring. 'I Spit On Your Grave II' is boring.We go through the classic set up of an American in Eastern Europe who's abducted raped and tortured by snuff film makers. If this sounds like the exact same plot as 'A Serbian Film' that's BECAUSE IT IS!!! Both films are painfully boring. Since we care nothing about the victim or the attackers we don't feel sorry for her or any hatred towards the villains.NONE of the torture porn or torture revenge scenes are creative in the least.The rape revenge exploitation genre is, let's face it, pretty boring. The audience already knows what's going to happen. We're just waiting for the movie to catch up.In order for rape revenge to be entertaining they either need a gimmick like the arty directing in 'Ms. .45' or characters we actually care about like 'Thriller: A Cruel Picture' which is very rare.Skip this one.
tubes515085 Just know this -- I enjoyed the first remake . Not a ten star movie - more like 7.5 . -- This movie is about a 3 out of 10 . Reasons are clear . -- Not a very good actress . Her sinister stares are so fake its not even funny . The first girl ( I forget her name ) in the first film was convincing as an angry - revenge seeking girl . -- This one was acting more like a possessed girl who should of been in one of those B horror films . Not good at all . ----- And the worst part ? I thought I had rented this off of ON DEMAND . My mistake -- I apparently bought this terrible film for $9.99 - Now its in my Life time saves . I am going to call Verizon and beg them to remove it from my list of purchases . I will pay them another $9.99 just to do that .