PG-13 | 27 November 2009 (USA)
Nativity! Trailers

Paul, charged with directing his school's Nativity play, falsely boasts that his ex-girlfriend plans to turn the production into a film.

Artivels Undescribable Perfection
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
rajnot Very pleasant and Heart warming movie. As usual, excellent performance by Martin Freeman but Marc Wootton was so on to it. Kids played a major role which bring this movie to life.
l_rawjalaurence Let's get the caveats out of the way: Debbie Isitt's screenplay does contain certain implausibilities - two children miss school and jet off to Los Angeles with their teacher Mr. Maddens (Martin Freeman); while Maddens himself, together with his teaching assistant Poppy (Marc Wootton) stage their Nativity Play in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral, complete with strobe lights, visual effects and lighting that is more characteristic of a Lloyd Webber musical than a school play. At one point the fuses blow; and the children continue to perform by candlelight. The sheer strength of the lighting suggests that they have also been given divine intervention so as to let the performance continue.Nonetheless, NATIVITY! is a really enjoyable piece of work; the kind of feel-good movie that makes you believe in human goodness, at least for a brief period. Freeman's Maddens is a carefully observed study in insecurity - a primary school teacher desperately trying to convince everyone that he has got over a lengthy love-affair with Jennifer Lore (Ashley Jensen(, but making a very poor job of it. His depression manifests itself in the way he treats his students - although fond of them, he finds it incredibly difficult to relate to them. This is where Poppy proves such a cathartic figure; through a combination of enthusiasm and sheer brute force he convinces Maddens to engage more fully in directing the play and to become more personally responsible for his students' welfare. There is one particularly moving sequence where Madden reads the letters written by his students to Santa Claus, and discovers that they know everything about his failed love- affair. Wiping the tears from his eyes, Madden exits stage left and resolves to produce as good a piece of work as he can.NATIVITY! contains its fair share of memorable cameos, from Alan Carr as a poison-pen critic with a fondness for eating during the performance, to Jason Watkins as a rival teacher in a private school determined to ensure that Maddens' production does not receive as favorable a critical opinion as his own. The message here is a simple one - in a class-ridden society such as Britain, it's not always the privileged children who prove most successful. Even those from less wealthy backgrounds, who have perhaps been dismissed as "useless" or incompetent, can be encouraged to produce something worthwhile, if only they are given the self-confidence to do so. The credits end with a dedication to "all inspirational teachers" in the audience, at whatever educational level. NATIVITY! proves what can be done if they are given the chance to inspire.
studioAT Nativity is a lovely family film that can be enjoyed by all. No it's never going to be an Oscar winning film but for nice entertainment this film can not be beat. It is perfect for Christmas.The plot is simple and Martin Freeman is impressive as the lead teach trying to stage a great nativity play and the kids playing his pupils all bring their own charm to the piece.Ashley Jensen and Pam Ferris add their own talents to the proceedings while Alan Carr is ... well Alan Carr. Special credit must also go Marc Wootton playing Mr Poppy who steals every scene he is in while also forming a nice double act with Freeman.Overall a film well worth finding.
smithmdee Whats not to love about this movie? the adult performances are fine (martin freeman doing his usual spot on job), but it's the performance of the kids that have you crying with laughter one minute and just crying the next. This was an unexpected pleasure and an absolute joy from start to finish. This has definitely gone to the top of my "must watch at Christmas" list!! I defy anyone to watch this and not feel the emotions well up (in a good way!) as they view it! If for nothing else, then watch this movie for the last thirty minutes or so to see the nativity play in its full amazing show. Anyone with kids knows what its like to sit through these events, but you'll wish this is how your kids had done it!