Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?!
Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?!
| 14 November 2014 (USA)
Nativity 3: Dude, Where's My Donkey?! Trailers

This Christmas the pupils of St Bernadette's and their much-loved, madcap teacher Mr. Poppy are back for their biggest adventure yet involving fantastic flashmobs, excitable elves, Christmas carols and of course Archie the donkey! When their new teacher Mr. Shepherd loses his memory and forgets all about Christmas, as well as his fiancée Sophie and the whereabouts of the beloved Archie, it's up to the pupils of St Bernadette's to save the day. Led by the ever enthusiastic Mr Poppy, they embark on a Christmas journey like never before - but time is against them if they are to help Mr Shepherd get to New York in time for his magical yuletide wedding!

Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
anwenhayward This film is the haunting tale of a man who receives a traumatic brain injury and develops severe amnesia, losing his entire identity and becoming a hollow man, with nothing but a name to himself. Watch as a formerly intelligent, articulate man is reduced to babbling and bumbling around, becoming a grotesque parody of the jester figure; coerced into parading around in funny outfits, much to the amusement of his tormentors, unable to recognise what, exactly, is so funny as he struggles to remember the name of his own daughter or how to connect with his family and the woman he loves. With his mental faculties reduced, his ability to relate to his fellow man diminished, and his sense of self completely erased, the man is kidnapped by a learning disabled teaching assistant and must rely on the assistance of a group of neglected, displaced children to teach him about his own past and, perhaps, the true meaning of Christmas. But hey, there are some pretty nifty fart jokes.
richardbuckley-201-998858 Truly one of the worst children's films I have ever seen in a cinema, so badly put together, edited, scripted and acted etc... Just not fun in any form, would have rather watched paint dry...My 8 year old son got so bored he kept wanting to leave the cinema, but I persuaded him to stay a continue to watch for a little longer, but he so wanted to leave, so we left around 10-20 minutes before the end.He gave it 2 stars out of 10 at the most. A complete waste of time and money to go and see. How writers and directors get the money to produce such drivel is beyond me and make people pay to see it. Pity when good children's Christmas TV is produced in the UK from The incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm to Strange Hill High, and Mr Stink.
Anthony Kavanagh This second sequel in this so-called British-based series of Christmas films focuses on St. Bernadettes School in Coventry in England as the school children assisted by their favourite assistant Mr. Desmond Poppy (Marc Wootton) have lost their donkey Archie while they are having plans to try to win a Flash Mob competition to win a trip to New York City and they are having their hands full to try to help their new teacher Jeremy Shepherd (Martin Clunes) who was struck with amnesia as he is getting ready to marry his fiancée in the Big Apple. This sequel is pretty much what you come to expect like the first two films were which is filled with slapstick humour and hammy acting but this time it ends up being one of those low-common-denominator efforts that hits the bottom of the barrel with a poorly written script that gives the film no sense at all, but despite the best efforts of some good talent among the cast such as Clunes, Wootton and the child actors, most of the performances are rather unconvincing, the songs are tuneless and even the slapstick moments in which one which involves some donkey droppings were not even remotely funny and some jokes are tired although I did find one Smurf-related joke that made me chuckle but that's about it. Don't waste your time and money on this film as it would be better suited being screened on TV or on DVD because at least the quality of the film alone might seem cut out for it.
shedzy Lets get this straight - I went to see this film with 5 kids who are oddly-obsessed with Martin Clunes, and that's the only reason we went to see it. His name - and apparently overly-large ears - became a running joke amongst my 2 eldest boys (4 and 6 yr old boys) because my 14 yr old and 10 yr old nephews saw a sketch mocking his name once on Little Britain. That is the only reason we went to see the film. My boys didn't even know what he looked like.So off we went, along with my 6yr old niece, and i expected nothing.Given that i had a few good laughs myself, a short sleep about halfway through for 10 minutes, and got to hear all of the children laughing hard at various points in the movie, my expectation was exceeded - the ludicrous price of kids cinema tickets notwithstanding.It was probably a little too long for the 4 yr old, but he stood in the aisle and danced for about the last 15 minutes, so i can't have been bad, and he is still laughing at some of the jokes today.It isn't the greatest kids film but, imho, certainly isn't the worst - a few funny moments for parents (probably not quite enough, but then again, its a kids film) - and for once a British live action film...... so overall, i'm glad we went - and given that it was enjoyed by kids from 4-14, which i think has got to be a rarity - it was definitely a good way to spend 2.5 hours - perhaps a slight shame it wasn't half an hour shorter......