Vampire Boys
Vampire Boys
| 08 March 2011 (USA)
Vampire Boys Trailers

Jasin and his vampire brood's time is running out. In order for them to survive, Jasin needs to find a mortal to turn into a vampire to spend eternity with. Los Angeles provides plenty of young candidates. The brood has their eyes set on Tara, a young, gorgeous blond college student. Tara is open to the idea of becoming a vampire, but someone else enters the picture to disrupt the brood's plans. Caleb, a fresh face college student new to Los Angeles, keeps dreaming of a mysterious stranger. At school, Caleb meets the stranger, Jasin, and they have an instant connection. The problem is that time is short, and Jasin needs to convince Caleb that eternity as a vampire can be a very sweet life.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
gamerraintag Warning, contains spoilers.So a cheap gay parody of twilight with some ripped off lines from interview with a vampire. There is too much to criticize about this movie but I'll try my best.The concept of a gay vampire looking for love is intriguing but the execution is high school project quality at best (and I'm sorry for using the word quality in this description) with a couple penis shots that are displayed in poor taste. The whole romance between the sickly Jasin and nerdy Caleb goes from stranger to eternal damnation in a time laps of three days. I mean come on, Romeo and Juliet had about 4 or 5 at least before they joined each other in eternity. I couldn't even feel any kind of legitimacy towards it. I kept thinking the character of Jasin was only seducing Caleb because his biological clock was running out (I say "the characters of" because at no point could I suspend my disbelief while watching the kids perform) The writing is sloppy and feels forced. The movie is supposed to be about love but the romance element is so weak it feels like a movie more about vampiric survival. The myth of finding 'the one' (a mortal to turn into a vampire and be with you forever) before your one hundredth vampire birthday or you die along with all the vampires you created is the only original concept in this film. Everything else feels like ether a parody of another vampire film or straight up rip off. The vampire myth is also nonexistent. Jasin and his entourage of calendar model rejects don't have any traits of traditional or modern vampires other than fangs and blood drinking. They walk around in the sunlight, they have no aversion to garlic or silver, they have no mental or shape shifting powers, they aren't strong or fast which is apparent in one fight scene where they look like 10 year olds having a tantrum. Jasin's manner of talking isn't so much PAINFUL to listen to because of his old style mannerisms but because he talks with a HEAVY emphasis of cliché cocky mysteriousness. It's like he isn't even trying to hide the fact he has something to hide. He sounds like a guy about to go crazy and shoot up the school the next day. On top of that, the poor excuse for a director chose the completely wrong actor to play the lead vampire. Jasin is a skinny sickly looking blond stereotype and he is surrounded by huge muscular lackeys to make him look more menacing. Any of the other vampires would have made a better choice to portray the animalistic danger a vampire should have but not by much. It was kind of obvious that the director had a fetish for the twinkish boy types and wanted to film them with their shirts off for his personal amusement.Caleb is just as skinny and I'm surprised he's not a dwarf because there has got to be 10 tons of stereotypical femininity weighing him down. He plays his role terribly. It sounds like he and everyone else in the film are reading there lines off of flash cards posted on the walls just out of camera view, at one point I thought I saw one.Paul (Caleb's roommate) played a very chaotic role. It was very apparent that the writer/director didn't know what to do with him. At first he's a plot device to give Caleb a free place to stay, then he's mysterious due to his financial independence and vampire themed house even though he never mentions vampires ever, then he's a romance interest, then he gets quickly killed off without any explanation of why his house had heavy vampire themes, and after his death any curiosity as to where he might be by Caleb is brushed off with "Paul isn't answering his phone I guess he's ignoring me" and no one catches a whisper of him again.By the end I'm almost sad to see Logan (one of Jasin's goons) get killed off. He was the only character who had any substance or development to him. He was a vampire who didn't want to die so he went to extreme measures to ensure his survival. Granted he wasn't a good actor nor anyone else but his parts were slightly not as bad, and he was, dare I say it interesting. Other than that the whole movie was rubbish and I quite literally had to pause at ten minutes intervals and catch a break from the poor quality of the movie budget, acting skill, lack of costume effects (Jasin gets shot and you don't even see a bullet hole in the shirt. Seriously!? The director was so cheap that he couldn't afford to poke a hole in a shirt? Maybe he spent the entire budget to get those two guys to flash there penises for the camera.) Honestly I have never had my willpower challenged so hard to finish a movie before.The movies concept had potential but the only thing vampiric about this film is that it was destined to burn once it saw the light of day.
jm10701 I liked this movie. It's no dumber than the Twilight movies, and it's lots more fun. Jason Lockhart is actually good, despite the stupid way he has to talk, and there is real, believable chemistry between him and Christian Ferrer, even though Ferrer is not attractive and if Lockhart is gay I'm Ronald Reagan.I don't know what all the reviewers who hated this movie expected, but I expected to hate it and ended up enjoying it a lot. And not because it's bad. To me, movies are NEVER so bad they're good; if they're bad, they're just bad. This one is amateurish and dumb, but it's also sexy and fun. I actually wanted it to be longer.
cyf2 Before watching this movie, I read all the reviews on this site, and I had very low expectations for this film when I watched it. If you're looking for a horror movie, I don't even understand why you're still looking at this page. This film is sort of a *GAY* parody of Twilight( minus the sparkles); Jasin is like Edward and Caleb is the Bella. The movie sometimes had slow or dull dialogue; sometimes it was good like that, sometimes not so much. In a nutshell, it wasn't a horrible movie, quite entertaining actually, if you're game for what this movie has.This movie is not for a true vampire fanatic. This is movie is better for ones who don't mind bending the rules a little.
Thea Tae Baker Synopsis: Vampires made by an Ancient One on their 100th anniversary of becoming a Vampire must do the same else they and their progeny die. Jasin (yes that is how it is spelt) and his "brothers," come to LA to find "The One" for Jasin so they can all live together. Unbeknownst to Caleb, a young, gay, college swimming star from Ohio just moved to LA, he is "The One."Pluses: Just how bad the dialogue was. It was awesomely bad! The acting was so wrong. Their skills of fake drinking coffee were brilliant! I had no idea it was a gay equivalent to Twilight, I was surprised when the leads were acting, well, gay. The sunshine myth is just that, a myth - turns out Vampire Boys tan quite nicely. Their abs weren't nearly as fake as suggested by the poster. It was just insanely fun.Minuses: The score/music - it was atrocious! That being said, once you got used to it, it kind of added to the experience. The token female looked like an ex-hooker with bad plastic surgery. What was with the shock shot of extra large genitalia? Jasin's hair.A few of my friends and I love catching terrible movies - when I saw this was rated at 2.4 on IMDb, I thought I had to see it. After a busy week and tiring Saturday, I skipped a BBQ and livetweeted the movie - you can see that here though don't forget to keep clicking more till there aren't any more - then read from the bottom up. It wasn't the worst movie I have seen, but its approach was super fun, and I had an absolute blast watching it. As someone who doesn't much care for the Twilight franchise, this was just brilliant. That I had no idea what I was getting myself in for, made it even more fun.