The Bloodletting
The Bloodletting
R | 06 October 2004 (USA)
The Bloodletting Trailers

For Amanda Deter and her friends, life seems to be going great. Until one night when they cross paths with a mysterious vagrant, who warns them, a terrible evil is coming. The group disregards his warnings as nothing but drunken nonsense. But the next day when they find the vagrant dead, it is already to late to heed his warnings... Now Amanda and Derek must try and save their friends from the brutal killings of an elusive vampire. With several friends already dead or missing and Amanda's boyfriend Jonathan no where to be found, they are running out of options... and time! - Written by Shaun Paul Piccinino

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
UnderworldRocks I partly agree with what Schiccatano says. This does not deserve a 1.It should have been a 0. After reading the ridiculous comment by Schiccatano, I deliberately gave the lowest rating possible.Funny, the secretary of the film company stood out to make a comment, instead of letting the movie speak for itself. Schiccatano mentioned nothing about the script, the acting, or the cast, all of which are poor in this movie. Instead, Schiccatano rambled on and on about how 2 people made the movie with little money and how much money they were making nowadays, and insulted reviewers who gave 1, basically calling them losers without a life.Know this, Schiccatano. The audience has the freedom to give the rating they want to give, and it is not up to you, or any spokesperson from a film production company nobody has heard of.I know that you feel the need to defend the product of the company you represent. But know this: neither you or your company owns the internet, an open platform where all sorts of opinions abound. If you don't like what you read, then simply quit reading online reviews.Last but not the least, give me a good script and I'll direct. I'll wipe the floor with this movie.
poemsoflife I liked the film. It was a common low budget film, hard to watch at some points, especially the opening scene, nevertheless, I still enjoy seeing the creative side of young film makers who are still learning and growing in their craft. I enjoyed the fight scenes and loved the opening credits. Good job. At any rate, knowing this is an Independent film, I would recommend it. I also read the comment posted by Sonya of this film's production company. That was a good comment. Good move. I say this because this comment helps you appreciated this film 10 fold. She (Sonya) informs everyone about this fact: 'the film was made by two kids. They shot, wrote, cut and got a distribution deal all by themselves. So I give them credit, for I know how hard that is to do! Now, I am sure the film makers already know what could have been changed and what not to do in the future, so I will spare them the talk. Nevertheless, to the production company and these two young men, "best of luck on your next film and continue to gain that experience so your future projects will get better and better!"
surfing_in_hawaii This movie was very poorly written and the acting was horrible! Not to mention the directing. The camera was weird, didn't look like a normal Hollywood movie. It was very bad and my friend Darien agrees, my dog Rosie agrees, people in China probably agree with me..Do not watch it, you will waist your time and 1hour and 17 minutes (appr.) of your life. I always knew what was going to happen. Everything was so predictable. Some of the visual effects were o.k. but you could tell it was a low budget movie. In conclusion don't watch it, if it scared you, thats sad, and remember if productions that you've never heard of produced the probably means in a low budget film! The End*Sorry Mr.S...*
surveyking Good job guys! Keep up the good work... and don't bother with those "Haters" who gave you a 1-star. They are just a couple of failed actors or filmmakers or something... some dorks without a life who like to bash others while picking their noses and playing with their G.I. Joes. So don't let it get ya down if you read their nonsense. I am a filmmaker, so I understand. *NOW, in regards to the film, I think you have a lot to work on, but still did a great job for a movie done with 'pennies' (as stated by another reviewer). I enjoyed different aspects of your film, but absolutely loved your fight sequences, pacing and realism, but thought that you should have put more action in the beginning. It didn't really drag overall in the beginning, but certain shots did drag-out. But from experience, for distribution purposes, you were probably just trying to add minutes or seconds to your film. Additionally, after about the 25 minute mark things started to get interesting though and after the 45 minute mark I was pretty involved with the movie. So, in a nutshell... I would recommend this film to others and encourage people to watch it... but, not to hate on it unless they can do better. I will look forward to other films from Colapsar Entertainment! (Cool name, what does the mean anyway?)