Make It Happen
Make It Happen
PG-13 | 09 December 2008 (USA)
Make It Happen Trailers

Embarking on a journey to fulfill her dreams as a dancer, a young girl discovers a new style of dance that will prove to be the source of both conflict and self-discovery.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Ehirerapp Waste of time
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
jints7 This is by far THE worst dance movie ever to be released,in my opinion it is boring and a waste of time. I find it very hard to believe that the actress who plays Lauren has ever received any form of dance training. She lacks rhythm and skill and i have seen monkeys dance better! She never seems to be able to dance in time to the music either, always pausing or moving too fast. Very very annoying. The storyline is total rubbish as well. I didn't think it could get much worse than Save the Last Dance 2 but i was clearly proved wrong with this one. This film is not a patch on the original dance movies like Dirty Dancing and the 1st Save the Last Dance and it certainly does not deserve to be put in the same category as these. Don' waste your time watching it!
lilmonster1 The film is predictable, I felt that Lauren (Mary) was not as good as a lot of people made out, the other characters shone more for me, Carmen.. what an excellent version of Jessica Rabbit she makes. Ruby again was a good dancer and a nice character. Russ (Riley Smith) was good as the musical director even if he did have some cheesy lines. The story is the same old same old, but you could not help but be entertained. It was a real shame that Lauren's second audition was not half as good as one of her burlesque renditions. The story was OK the dance (Burlesque) was good, Russ (Riley Smith) was great, the rest sadly was mediocre.
geoffgee I saw Make it Happen this morning and thoroughly enjoyed the film. I found the plot to be intelligent, original, interesting and emotionally engaging. I thought all of the characters in some way evoked my sympathy and the standard of acting was excellent. I enjoyed the romance and felt there was real 'chemistry' in those scenes. There wasn't as much dancing and music as I expected, but for me that didn't matter since I was more interested in the story. (Having said that, I enjoyed what dancing and music there was very much!) I don't see why anyone of a romantic nature (male or female) wouldn't thoroughly enjoy this film. It has everything I look for in a movie - and plenty of it. Highly recommended.
TheUnseenMovieLover To be honest, the only reason that I went to watch this movie at the cinema was because I attend a club which involves dancing. Quite a few of the routines that we do are based on songs or dance sequences from movies such as Step Up. Upon seeing the trailers for Make It Happen, I thought that I should go to see it, just in case we try a routine which is related to the film. Still, I am likely to commend myself if I can remember most of this lacklustre movie in a couple of weeks.Lauryn (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) has dreamt of being a dancer for most of her life. However, after auditioning for the prestigious Chicago School of Music and Dance and being rejected, her hopes are severely damaged. Soon after this failure, she becomes a dancer at a burlesque club called Ruby's, and is a major success. However, Lauryn's family and her dreams soon begin to clash, and she must choose between the two...Make It Happen contains two positive elements. The dance sequences are extremely sexy and are also packed with confident energy. In the lead role, Mary Elizabeth Winstead is instantly likable and human. She isn't terrific, but she is still good enough that she puts the rest of the cast (who seem to be waiting for their pay cheques) to shame.Unfortunately, apart from the dancing and Winstead's performance, the movie falls flat. The plot is utterly predictable, the writing and direction are incredibly lazy and the pacing drags. This just feels like an attempt to cash in on the big public response to movies such as the High School Musical and Step Up instalments.So, my recommendation is to give this film a miss. I'm not really a fan of this type of movie, but I don't think that even hardcore fans will be satisfied by this superficial product. If you're looking for a good, enjoyable and pure musical experience at the cinema, it's still not too late to catch Mamma Mia!