El Gringo
El Gringo
R | 10 May 2012 (USA)

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A man crossing into Mexico with a satchel of $2,000,000—and a bloody past—finds himself under sudden attack in the sleepy town of El Fronteras.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
moppymcjones86 I don't know why so many people gave hateful reviews about this film. I'm giving it a ten because for what it was, I thought it was excellent. One cannot watch a B movie and expect it to have the same flavor as a major budget Hollywood film. It seems so many people are comparing it to other films instead of rating the movie itself and know one gives reasoning as to why it was worse than (insert major Hollywood movie). If you like B cheesy action movies than this one will be awesome. It has lots of cool shootings, and a one pistol round that unstoppable. In the moment where people usually would show mercy and arrest instead of shooting the main character doesn't. It has the cheesy intros for characters without being unnecessarily lengthy and wordy.
blue141 Giving this film even a 1 makes me shudder. I have never seen such bad acting, heard such cheesy lines, looked at so many ugly people, sweaty boobs, or stupid townspeople on film. And that's just the OK folks. Even the dog was a loser. I want my thinking cap back, I lost it somewhere in this terrible mess of a movie. If there is a bath to be had in town, it's somewhere over the horizon that no one attempts to locate. And who wants to take a bath next to animal bones anyway. Wait, those ugly, dirty, sweaty boobs people, and their loser dog just might.Nasty, grimy, horrible, just awful, and those are the good points of this film.
pauls156 This is my first review of a movie. Hopefully it'll get some exposure and consideration. I'm sure many people have said, "I wish I could get XX minutes/hours back of my life" when watching a movie. I have to say, I wish I could get back 100 minutes of my life. Where to begin? I will try to start with a few positives. Well, mainly one. There is a lot of bloody, entertaining, mindless violence. Because of this, there were a number of entertaining action scenes. With the positives aside, here is what I thought about the rest of the movie. Despite the action scenes, it was boring. The main character probably spends at least 30 minutes of the movie trying to get a glass of water from locals, in a town, who will not serve him. The "plot" of the movie does not unravel until probably an hour or so into it, and even then, not everything is explained. This was the major turn off for me. I like to have direction when I watch movies and this did not deliver. Despite the action scenes being entertaining, I found them way too unbelievable. The main character had skills like Jason Bourne from the Bourne trilogy. However, based on what we know about the character, he is just an average, everyday police officer. Sure, he could have got special training to be "bad-a**" but, his character is not explained. I also feel like the movie was way too predictable. An hour into the movie, I predicted the ending. As well, the people who made this movie tried to fit in way too many "main characters," but the furthest they got in terms of character depth was the characters' names. They felt like fluff to pad a movie.If I had to sum it up, without you potential viewers taking the time to read the previous stuff that I wrote, I would sum it up by saying: Imaging a low-budget, poorly rated Christian Slater movie that he's doing now a days (seems like quite a lot lately) to make a quick buck. This is one of those. If you know what I mean, in my opinion, stay away. However, if you have yet to experience one of these movies, then this one is the way to go...Watch at your own risk.
Tony Heck "One man can't make a difference, trust me." After a man (Adkins) grabs a bag full of 2 million dollars and runs to Mexico he thinks he is safe. He stops in the town of El Fronteras where he plans to hide out until he can safely return. After word of his bag gets around he must now do all he can to survive. You may be wondering why this sounds familiar. It's because a movie called "Get The Gringo" is the same thing. I have always wondered why two movies about the same thing usually come out at the same time. At least movies like "Armageddon" and "Deep Impact" or "Mirror Mirror" and "Snow White and the Huntsman" tried to have different titles. This one is almost the same title even. This had more of a feel of early good Robert Rodriguez movies like "Desperado" in the beginning and slowly started to turn into a bad Rodriguez movie like "Once Upon A Time In Mexico". There really is nothing else to say other then this is a decent movie that I enjoyed, but I liked it better when it was called "Get The Gringo". Overall, not bad but too soon for a remake. I give it a B.