The Visual Bible: Matthew
The Visual Bible: Matthew
| 01 October 1993 (USA)
The Visual Bible: Matthew Trailers

The only dramatization using the actual scriptures...word for word from the New International Version (NIV). In Israel, then known as Judea of the Roman Empire, Nazarene Jesus Christ travels around the country with His disciples preaching to the people about God and salvation of their souls.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
joepizza I've seen both the Passion and this movie. In the Passion, Jesus is joking with Mary about a table he had just built. It was a segment that warmed my heart, made me smile and pulled the GOD Jesus a bit closer to me , making it easier for me to touch. BUt that was about it as far a warmth. I absolutely was blown away by the Passion. After seeing THIS movie, I realized how the the Passion could, in fact, be a FAR FAR BETTER movie if it blended a bit more of THIS Jesus.I shake my head because now I realize that THE PASSION could have an EVEN GREATER impact on my heart and emotions if THE Christ in the PASSION was portrayed a bit more like Bruces, Christ. I would have fallen in love with the Christ in the PASSION even MORE. Thus making the incredible suffering he endured even more shocking and regrettable.
srmonge Lord, have mercy.I can appreciate the energy and time and sense of devotion that was invested in this movie. Having said that, this borders on blaspheming the divinity of Christ. It is true that Christ was fully human, but he was also fully divine. This movie loses all sense of his divinity. Perhaps even more troubling, its sense of his humanity has much more to do with a feel good Californian in the later 20th century (refer to Dogma's "Buddy Jesus") than it has anything to do with a first century Middle-Easterner. I mean, did the director of this "film" consult any actual scholars when creating this debacle?! Clearly, they allowed their conception of what "love" and "compassion" mean to make Jesus in their own image. From Jesus screaming in hysteria at the Pharisees to sobbing like a baby over Jerusalem; from his "game-plan" style prophesying to his oh-so-unauthoritative "not-so" Great Commission; from his disciples looking like they are bored out of their minds to his "come on guys follow me" gestures---this movie renders ridiculous the incarnate Logos. Someone once said that Ed Wood's "Plan 9 from Outer Space" was a hymn to all those who tried to create something memorable and failed miserably every step of the way. While not taking anything away from the infamy of Ed, all those involved in the production of this movie do likewise. This movie is symptomatic of some very serious problems in the way American Christianity views the Christ. Understandably, people latch on to the fact that the Gospel writers refer to him as Jesus more often than with any other title. However, the disciples throughout the Gospels, as well as the writers of Acts and all of the epistles almost universally use such titles as Lord, Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus, and Master. John falls down before him in revelation as a dead man. No one could possibly do the same before Bruce Marchiano's portrayal.
angel-280 I just re-watched this not too long ago, and was reminded again of the beauty of this film. The film opens with narrative by the late Richard Kiley, who plays the role of the elderly Matthew the Apostle. Compelling performances by Mr. Kiley and Bruce Marciano, among others, make this a film you can watch over and over. Also, the area they were filming in (Morrocco, I believe) is absolutely stunning.
verboetim If ever there was a visual account of Jesus that should be used as an evangelical teaching tool, (second to the Bible) by any Christian believer - THIS IS IT! I would recommend and use it quite easily over Mel Gibson's The Passion. Thankfully, not too much time is given to Him suffering before and at Calvary. The Passion, I think, overdoes it and tells the viewing public that a good man died a too harsh a death.This DVD/Video uses the N.I.V. Bible line for line, and is enacted out as though you were there in the presence of the Saviour Himself. It also shows Him to have emotion. Suddenly, the Gospels come alive! This visual account easily over-rides any account of Jesus Hollywood has ever tried to create.
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