Dom Hemingway
Dom Hemingway
R | 03 April 2014 (USA)
Dom Hemingway Trailers

After spending 12 years in prison for keeping his mouth shut, notorious safe-cracker Dom Hemingway is back on the streets of London looking to collect what he's owed.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
BooBoo516 I am a Jude Law, and I will admit that there are parts of the film that meandered and bored me. Also, some of the comedic touches barely made me laugh. But Jude Law is absolutely mesmerizing as Dom Hemingway. When he is on screen I just couldn't look away. Does the film have problems? Yes, this is a flawed film, however, because of Law's performance I have given this a 7/10. It might be a little too generous, but he made an otherwise distasteful picture quite palatable.
dierregi Very few movies have the power to put me off within the first five minutes, like this one did. I had not heard of it - which is usually the sign of a movie I can ignore - but when it was shown on TV, I thought I might give it a chance.Enters a balding, muscular but fattish Jude Law, delivering a monologue about his dick. It wasn't so much outrage, but annoyance at the thought of yet another movie glorifying British gangsters. I am not sure if it was Guy Ritchie who started the fashion or if it was "Sexy Beast" - great movie, BTW.Sadly, this is no Sexy Beast. It reminded me a bit of London Boulevard, a boring movie about yet another British criminal just released from prison, but lacking even the superficial gloss of that already unoriginal, bad film.If this is supposed to be an "iconic" role for Law, I feel sorry for him. Nothing could be less iconic than the standard, foul-mouthed British thug of so many B movies. Surely it is some change from his usual soft-spoken, sophisticated characters. However, Law is not golden boy material anymore, so he'd better get a range - possibly playing some character less cliché than the glorified gangster.
Kilian Jungel Come for Jude Law and stay for...Jude Law. Dom Hemingway is a tour de force from Jude Law. Dom is this incredible f***ed up character who has some serious anger issues and can't contain himself in any way. And Law goes full throttle in every single scene he is in (there is hardly a frame where he is not in) to portray this very "outgoing" character. But also he manages to show his emotional sides without it seeming unfit for the character. I would like to say "it is like an accident. You can't not look" but that might sound like it is just a forcefully out of bounds performance. Its not. In all it lunacy it is a beautiful portrayal of a deeply troubled man by an amazing Jude Law.Side Note: His Sidekick is also worth mentioning. Richard E. Grant manages to create a character which also catches your attention and once or twice even manages to steal the scene from Jude Law. Which is quite an accomplishment.The Story isn't that complicated or attention grabbing. It just seems to be basis on which the character shine.
Steve Ripple I had no idea what type of film this was - just watched it because it had Jude Law in it who I have not seen in a while. Almost turned it off after the opening scene, and the next scene did not impress either. Both suggested this was going to be a revenge themed movie and I was just not in the mood. It seemed that it was going to be a loud, British gangster flick, all hype and flash, no substance. Well, I continued, and to my surprise it's turned into a comedy - albeit a really dark black comedy. And Jude Law is simply mesmerizing. I think the negative comments about this film are due to peoples expectations. This film simply is not like any others - and is really hard to fit into a box. I laughed and was really touched (with tears welling) in many scenes as well. I am almost sure this is one to watch again too - as there was really way too much going on to capture in one viewing. The dialogue is memorable and needs a re-listen or two to really appreciate. The other characters counterpoints are just as important, but you often don't catch them till later, and then another scene is distracting you from thinking about them. Sure this dialog is not realistic, but this is not that type of film. It's a bit like Shakespearean prose delivered with a frenetic Robin Williams style, but with the attitude of Dennis Hopper (various roles) combined with a bit of Joe Pesci as Tommy DeVito in Goodfellas.