Lost Things
Lost Things
R | 01 November 2004 (USA)
Lost Things Trailers

Four teenagers; Gary (Leon Ford), Brad (Chalie Garber), Emily (Lenka Kripac) and Tracey (Alex Vaughan) travel to a desert paradisiacal beach and spend the weekend together. When they arrive, they meet the older Zippo (Steve Le Marquand), and experience a sense of Déjà vu with weird events, feeling that they had previously been in that place. That Saturday, they start to realize that they are actually trapped in a nightmare.

Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Nicole I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
kapelusznik18 ***SPOILERS*** Strange little horror/supernatural flick from down under-Australia-about this pair of teens Gary Tracy Brad & Emily,Leon Ford Alex Vaughn Charlie Graber & Lenka Kripac, who go on a weekend trip to a deserted Australian beach to get acquainted in the joys of well you know what I mean only to end up being stalked by this lunatic beachcomber Zippo, not one of the legendary Marks Brothers, played by Steve Le Marquand. It's the pretty and spaced out Emily who insisted on her fellow teens to go on trip without really knowing why. As it soon turned out this was a trip into hell for Emily & Co. who's only way to escape it was in turning back the clock or rewinding the video tape or DVD to the start of the movie.Things never pan out for the teens the way they expected them to with the once hot to trot girls who at first who were so eager for some Hanky Panky, in taking off their bikini tops, start cooling off to the two horny as rabbits in heat boys who expected to have a real grand time with them. Then there was the appearance from out of nowhere Zippo who after rescuing Tracy from being bitten on the beach by a poisonous snake soon starts making eyes on the girls who didn't want anything to do with him. It's later discovered that Zippo is more then just a harmless nut case but a serial murderer as well: Which is by far the worst of the two description about him!****SPOILERS****It takes a while for the teens to realize what exactly they got themselves into with the crazed and deranged, as well as demonic, Zippo driving them both insane and possibly into an early grave with poor Emily at the end of the movie going on this guilt trip for leading them there. Even at the time when she was unconsciously being mind controlled by Zippo Emily still had no idea of what she was doing! There seems to be a surprise ending to all this madness that I suspect those making the movie put in, it really made no sense at all, just to finally put an ending to the movie and put it in the can due to be released in a future date. P.S "Lost Things" took in a measly $20,000.00 in box office receipts but it watching it that may well have been ten time the money it cost to produce!!
gridoon At first sight, "Lost Things" appears to be just another Hollywood-wannabe horror film with Australian accents, but there is more here than first meets the eye. This film is more "supernatural horror" than "teenage slasher". Although I pretty much guessed the general direction the plot was going halfway through, the ride to get there was still edge-of-your-seat stuff. Out of the four central characters, the two girls are unconventionally pretty and wonderfully full-figured, and the two boys are fairly likable (although, as someone else already mentioned, casting two young blond actors who look so much alike was perhaps a mistake). The guy who plays Zippo (no, not Zeppo Marx) is well-cast. On the whole, "Lost Things" is a film that makes you interested in seeing more work in this genre by the same people. (***)
myron_simons "I know what you did last Blair Matrix!" I love horror films and this is one of the most refreshing I've ever seen. "Lost Things" has that unsettling, true-to-life feel of "Blair Witch". It takes the archetypal "teens in trouble" formula but then twists the familiar plot into a powerful and unsettling existential psycho-horror story. My "Matrix" reference is nothing to do with bullet time photography or Kung Fu but more about the way "Lost Things" bends perception of time and throws into question the nature of reality."Lost Things" not only celebrates and exploits familiar cinematic-horror elements, it blends them into something bigger than the sum of its parts and ends up being a wholly original and wonderfully disturbing entity. It's a slow pace to start with, which I appreciate in these days of high-octane, smart-alec, body-count horror flicks. Whilst being boldly 21st century, "Lost Things" shares the virtues of classics like "burnt offerings" and the "Changeling" - films that take the time to have you care for the characters and build a 'platform of reality' that makes the horror all the more effective once that platform begins to tilt. And once the momentum kicks in there is plenty of suspense.Director Martin Murphy is a craftsman and he's got together a great team. The sound track and design is harrowingly beautiful. The cinematography, editing, design and direction are congruent, all working together to deliver the story with clarity and atmosphere. Murphy has drawn intense and honest performances from his actors. The Actors well serve Stephen Sewell's terrific script, capturing the darkness, humour and vulnerability of adolescent social/sexual politics. Murphy is obviously working with a tiny budget but he knows what he's doing so we don't miss the crane and tracking shots at all. Far from it - this is one of those great indie films that exploits and transcends the low budget restrictions."Lost things" is a highly enjoyable and unique yarn of a horror film. Complex yet accessible, it creeps in under the skin and continues to seep deeper into the bones. Well worth checking out.
XJanX Four youths decide to spend some time "surfing" (i.e. making out), when weird things start to happen.This one grabs you by the throat and doesn't let up. You'll be amazed by the intricate plot and the new (to me) but talented actors. The story is fresh and filled with enough surprises and scares to keep you on the edge of your seat. Darkly beautiful, the photography alone is downright mesmerizing. Several images will stay in your head long after the closing credits. "Lost Things" cleverly avoids the usual Horror pitfalls for a dark and disturbing, not to mention unique vision.So much for that, I can't continue with a straight face. "Lost Things" is nothing of the above, just boring and confused. Two stars out of ten.