The Scopia Effect
The Scopia Effect
| 01 November 2014 (USA)
The Scopia Effect Trailers

Reincarnation goes horribly wrong releasing dark forces across time. Basia accesses parts of her mind that should never be tampered with. Past lives merge with present as her reality becomes distorted, she fights for her very existence.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Amy Collins I rented this film on Amazon last night and it kept me thinking all night - about life and death and how to make sense of it all. This film has a very deep emotional and spiritual (not in a religious sense!) message.I must admit that it is challenging to watch (fast cuts etc). I hadn't heared of Chris Butler before but what he has created is simply unique. It does feel a bit like a puzzle from time to time but once you get used to the language of the film it all makes perfect sense.The lead actress does an amazing job playing Basia loosing her mind and becoming detached from reality.After watching this film I had a bit of a Matrix-Feeling... what is this life all about? How are things connected? Is only true what we see? The film is brutal in many ways but it ends with such a beautiful and pro-life message that it actually made me cry. Watch this film if your tired of mainstream. (9/10 stars)
mauricio-leyzaola It is not a total disaster, I mean the movie has a crazy plot and it goes slowly. I was expecting (from some very optimistic reviewer here) something really original, scary and unpredictable.It turned out to be original, but that's all for what its worth it. The acting is average at best. Around 3/4 of the movie I began to figure it out, and the result wasn't as unpredictable as I was expecting. There are some violence parts, but really nothing to be scared of. So I could not rate this movie as horror; probably an insane thriller is where it belongs to.It is a shame because the idea probably with a better plot and direction could be a good thing, but it is not.I stress you not to waste your time and look something else. I gave it a 3/10 because it could have been worse.
briancpettit First of all, the first two reviews sound like they were written by teenagers with short attention spans, who were looking for a cookie-cutter horror movie. Sadly, that's who most horror/sci-fi films are made for. My review will probably be more relevant for intelligent adults who enjoy original and engaging films. My high rating is due to the originality of concept, the visual execution of story, and very solid acting.My biggest pet-peeves are plot-holes and clichés. Modern horror and sci-fi films are usually riddled with them. This movie is congruent and mysterious, with no clichés. It is a slow creeper, with genuinely unnerving scenes. There is realistic, scary violence. I wanted to look away, because I felt like I was watching real human evil, not another corny slasher scene. The screenplay jumps around in time, but anyone with half a brain will easily follow. Midway, it all starts to come together. I like films like this because they don't spoon-feed you the plot with dialogue or cliché. If you pay attention and think, you will feel a building sense of understanding. This is much more rewarding for the intelligent film buff. The direction, cinematography, and special effects are great. Nowadays, CGI is often used to compensate for a weak cast, story, and direction. This film doesn't need much, except for some cool dream/hallucination sequences. The only special effects used to, effect. They are done the old-fashioned way, but I actually felt scared. Once again, we see that you don't need a blockbuster budget, or pretty faces with limp lines and empty emotion, to make a great film. The lead actress does a GREAT job playing her role. I believed her and empathized with her in every scene. The same goes for the peripheral characters, although the therapist seems a bit flat and inauthentic, but there is a REASON for that, as you'll see. The Scopia Effect slipped under the radar, but I'm glad I caught it. If you like original, subtle, creepy, and thought-provoking horror and sci-fi, definitely give this one a chance. It's well-worth a couple hours in front of your TV, and will leave you pondering the pain in your own life.Christopher Butler has another film coming out called Storm, and I will definitely check that one out too.
Kim Nisar OK, this is my first review and watching his movie compelled me to make an account and write a review in order to remind and aware others to not to waste your 1 hour 45 minutes on this totally insane and psychopathic movie.The first and most irritating thing throughout the movie is the way it is directed. The camera focuses on peripheral environment rather than the characters and it drives you insane too. I think the director wanted to make his audience feel the insanity the protagonist was going through but this has completely ruined and spoiled the movie.Next, the story line itself is shown in a very complex manner which further adds to your insanity. Multiple lives in one past life makes it very difficult to contain. The acting is above average.All in all, avoid this movie.