10.0 Earthquake
10.0 Earthquake
| 15 October 2014 (USA)
10.0 Earthquake Trailers

Los Angeles is about to be hit by a devastating earthquake, and time is running out to save the city from imminent danger.

CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
gbkmmaurstad In this California earthquake movie, fracking is responsible for setting off increasing earthquakes which will lead to the collapse of the entire LA basin if not halted.Emily (Cameron Richardson) is a new seismologist with a theory who gets grumpy 'ole seismologist Gladstone (Jeffrey Jones) to convince Jack, the engineer at company doing the fracking, what disaster is to come if the company is not shut down.In the interim, Jack and his wife are just about to be divorced, but reunite to try and save their daughter who is in the middle of the danger zone. Predictable? Yes. Worth the watch? Good one for the teens sleepover.
Leofwine_draca More disaster trash from the SyFy Channel, made with even less originality than before. 10.0 EARTHQUAKE is your bog-standard earthquake movie in which America finds itself assailed by a series of continuous earthquakes, the sole result of which seems to be creating CGI cracks in the ground and causing bad actors to run around and scream a lot.This routinely dull film follows exactly the same template as many a SyFy movie, including an inordinate amount of time spent on characters driving around in cars. Quite why you're supposed to care about a car full of bratty teenagers, even if they are the offspring of the main characters, I don't know. The film lumbers from one clumsy set piece to the next while the script regurgitates old pseudo-science and the viewer struggles to stay awake. Disgraced actor Jeffrey Jones is the only familiar face they got to appear in this film, which says something.
jenny-talksalot I have been putting off watching this for a while due to star ratings but I don't usually let them get the better of me. This time, I waited and started watching last night. I have to say that I was more than a little disappointed.The effects were mediocre although something I would expect for a 'Sunday afternoon film'. It was an interesting concept and the reasons for the LA-based devastation were a little far-fetched however the idea behind it was sound. It felt like they were trying too hard to give it a Blockbuster feel.Acting was OK. Little quips were giggle-worthy and this was not altogether a worthless use of my time - however, I can't say I would watch it again.Spoilers: The (obligatory) dog survives - *phew*
vicdru1 Why and how do these kind of films ever get made? This one was not in the least suspenseful or exciting. It was ridiculously predictable and I knew in the first 10 minutes who would live, who would die, who was getting a divorce, would come together and after disaster hits, find their daughter walking down the road in the middle of the night in the Angeles National Forest and they would live happily ever after. Seriously Hollywood, disasters do NOT always have a happy ending, how about a disaster movie that is even somewhat close to reality? I miss the Irwin Allen disaster movies where you got to know and care about the characters and were shocked or delighted when they lived or died. There was no one to care about in this film and the only "10" about the film was simply the title.