R | 05 January 2016 (USA)
Adulterers Trailers

A man who returns home to find his wife cheating on him on their anniversary. He holds her and her naked and humiliated lover captive at gunpoint while he decides whether or not he's going to kill them. The story, inspired by true events, takes place over one day and is set in New Orleans during a stifling heat wave.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Michael Ledo Sammy (Sean Faris) who has to work a double, comes home at lunch to surprise his wife (Rebecca Reaney) only to get more surprised as he catches her in the act with another man (Mehcad Brooks). At gun point we get their biographies and intimate details of the affair. This is a soap opera drama which is basically a three man play. Okay for what it was, I just didn't find it entertaining.Based on true events in New Orleans, although I am sure this scenario has been played out more than once.Guide: F-bomb, sex, nudity (Rebecca Reaney)
Richard Gerard Evans First of all, to the concerns of the "fake" accents, Sean Faris is actually from Texas, so the complaint that he sounded Texan is a bit silly in my estimation. Who is to say he didn't live in Texas in some earlier time not dealt with in the movie? Second, the guy has an amazing range and does some very believable roles on such diverse networks as Hallmark and Lifetime. Some absolutely great people and some not-so-nice. But all complex. I think he is very underrated and, although not difficult to look at, he is far more than eye candy. Also as to the reviewer who complained about him showing his muscles, he happens to be a fitness expert in real life. He in my opinion was not showing off to the camera but simply looks good from any angle. As to the movie itself it is one you have to watch constantly in order to follow, and that is actually part of the power of it. Much of the dialogue is done without musical background and causes one to pay more attention. The only spoiler I will say is that you are left, even at the very end, not knowing for sure exactly what parts were fantasy and which were actual memories or conversation. The writing could have been slightly better but even that not bad for the most part. I found myself invested in all 3 of the main characters and honestly sympathetic to each.
earpmorgan I thought all 3 actors were really good. The intensity and range of emotions of all 3 seemed so real that I had to keep reminding myself that it is just a movie. This movie really hit home as I once had a cheating & deceptive wife. A lot of things go through your mind initially. When adulterers get caught, they almost always say: "I'm so sorry, I made a mistake. What's really going on is they are not sorry for cheating on you. They are sorry that they got caught. Cheating is a " Choice" not a mistake. This is what I think this excellent movie is telling us. Walking in on something like this makes you feel like your heart, along with your trust is ripped out of you. The husband in the movie had a right to be angry. However the way he is showing his anger via violence is wrong. The best thing to do is just leave the two adulterers and file for divorce. That's what needs to be done. There is no way of trying to put the pieces back together. The relationship will always have painful scars. This movie is one that every potential adulterer should watch.
melaronius Sean Faris should win an award for the worst Louisiana accent ever. He sounds like a southern Texas teenage girl going with that trendy vocal fry voice. Wtf. How could anyone who has ever been to New Orleans think that was OK? I might consider watching the movie again. I'd have to mute the audio and turn on subtitles. Terrible.... Pretty much ruined my whole day. Sad because the plot seemed like it would be interesting. I'm going to drink away any memory of that horrible voice. What a waste. How many lines do I need for this? How many lines do I need for this? How many lines do I need for this? How many lines do I need for this?