NR | 15 July 2010 (USA)
Womb Trailers

A woman's consuming love forces her to bear the clone of her dead beloved. From his infancy to manhood, she faces the unavoidable complexities of her controversial decision.

AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Irene S. When I saw the trailer of the movie i was kind of confused about it and wasn't sure if i should watch it or not.Being in love with Matt Smith for so long, i wanted to see him act out of his Doctor Who character and decided to take the risk. At first I had my doubts about it, but after half an hour they were completely disappeared!Eva's acting was absolutely touching and Matt was perfect for his roll! It was a very beautiful movie after all and really emotional, but not too much!And the ending, oh the ending, was amazing and heartbreaking at the same time!Found myself crying with a broken smile drawn in my face! Totally recommend it! Absolutely worth its time!
Tornadolane This movie is trash and not even good trash. Plot: Girl loves boy, boy dies tragically early in life, girl decides to give birth to clone of boy, has a child that is clone of boy, raises boy as son and then lover. Tons of scenes of people staring into space. Basically another movie about a person who believes that his or her wants and needs are so much more important even over children.Take a pass because it's disgusting, boring and just plain horrible. Quiet scenes of people saying or doing very little doesn't always convey depth. Also, Eva Green is creepy and reminds me of a real life Samara from The Ring.
livstrongeva Jeez… This movie… For me I can view it from two sides. And I think most people who watch this movie see similarly like I do.On one hand, we have a serious topic about cloning. That is the buzz of discussion not only for scientists, but also religious people, people who work with ethics, morals. Cloning might seem as opportunity to bring someone back – like in this movie Rebecca decides to save her friend Tommy, who died in a car accident. The only way to have him back is to give birth to his clone. But here comes the questions: who will give birth? Will the clone really be the same? How other people might react to the clone? I mean, all of his friends and family will be growing older and he will be in the infant age slowly growing up. Then what becomes the point of cloning? By the time, the clone will grow up, people might move on, as they would do without the clone. So is it just some second chance for the parents? But this movie goes even deeper: Rebecca is NOT Tommy's parent. She's his friend. She becomes his mother. And that motherhood is becoming disturbing as little Tommy is growing up and becoming the man he was before he died.Other people's opinion about clones is quite negative. Nobody wants to be friends with the "copies". Maybe it's because everybody wants to be unique, original. And there are people who are literally copies of someone. They bring back memories about that person. And not all memories can be good.Yes, this movie was quite disturbing. On the other hand, the music and acting are just brilliant. I know Eva Green's Rebecca might seem emotionless, but you can see from small twitches the hidden emotions. Well of course, she can't show all emotions – she was about to be Tommy's lover, and now she's his mother. There has to be A LOT of things hidden. I believe it is also painful for her to see Tommy becoming the man who died. Matt Smith (small pause for fangirling because of Doctor Who) showed a spawn of emotions. Anger, sadness, passion, goofiness, love, confusion – they were changing in his eyes and actions. It is very interesting to see how he starts understanding that not everything is right, that his mom is hiding something. I don't want to spoil anything, but it is fascinating and disturbing to see.The music takes you like into a fairytale. Yes, a fairytale of science fiction which is quite disturbing and fascinating at the same time. I recommend you to watch it, even though you might feel confused in your morals after it.
josephwiner When first reading about this film, I thought to myself there is no way I shall be watching this; however, somehow I did end up watching it.Eva Green was absolutely incredible and gave true meaning to the character. The character's constant state of shock is beautifully performed and she manages to keep the character so real and uses naturalistic dexterity. As for Matt Smith, he brought a true sense of innocence to his character and really allowed himself to connect to the audience as a third-party character.Director, Benedek Fliegauf, did a superb job at keeping the realism of the piece. Often with these types of story lines, they lose meaning due to over acting and melodrama, however the director allowed everything to have a sense of stillness and time was a fantastic theme used throughout the story. The use of water that appeared a lot was very well crafted to represent the process of life to death; and this had good relation to the story itself.As I don't want to give away too much, I shall just say the final scene left me in tears. Whilst the concept is rather disturbing, as it contradicts morals and is extremely controversial, it was played out in such a way, it allows the viewer to actually connect with the characters and see the situation from their point of view. It's a great example of how the bad can be perceived as good and how viewers can emotionally connect with characters, who did seem ever so real.