Perfect Sense
Perfect Sense
R | 03 February 2012 (USA)
Perfect Sense Trailers

In Glasgow, Scotland, while a mysterious pandemic begins to spread around the world, Susan, a brilliant epidemiologist, falls in love with Michael, a skillful cook.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
parameswaranrajendran This one is totally a game changer in romance film genre. A fresh and new attempt in drama & sci-fi. Parental Guidance is a must due to contains of nudity scenes.
grimmy-98652 This film was an unexpected gem. If Derren Brown made full-feature films then its plausible this is a film he would make, of course that would be the other film with 10 out of 10 though. Its not often I finish watching a film laughing giddily into the abyss, in this case I did. Individual reactions may vary but the high ratings received by the film show that maybe they don't vary too much. More than anything this film is very clever, it plays with expectations and preconceptions and delivers a powerful emotional punch - a la Derren Brown. Devilishly charming, with an elegantly simple (clever) wit!
alainguet Magnificent narration, superb images of third world populations, mingled with a modern parable of progressive loss where everyone is affected. One feels so sorry for Susan (Eva) and Michael (Ewan)...and themselves too! A very moving story that takes the viewer from the first minute to the final black screen, without using all the tricks of today's blockbusters. Sober, moving, efficient.
samkan Awesome. Can't believe I missed it when it came out, let alone missed hearing about it. As four years have gone by, there'e nothing I can add to the enthusiastic raves for PERFECT SENSE so my Comment will be little more than a strong recommendation to serious film buffs to not miss this film. Whether or not you consider yourself a film critic, this is not an "art" film. What appears to have disappointed those who canned P-S is the minimal treatment of the science fiction vehicle driving the love story core; i.e., just enough treatment to make the "epidemic" plausible enough so we can grasp the presence and impact of human emotions, resilience, desire and needs. The same can be said of UNDER THE SKIN, a more recent film which, like P-S, hit only a niche audience and was panned by the science fiction geeks looking for INDEPENDENCE DAY. Both films use science fiction merely as a vehicle though ordinary humanity is at the heart of both.