Happy Accidents
Happy Accidents
R | 25 January 2000 (USA)
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A comedy that pays tribute to the science fiction genre -- specifically, the sub-genre of time travel. But here the alternate reality is contemporary New York City where past and future experiences of trust, commitment and denial are cleverly put to the test. Just as Ruby is beginning to relish her first-ever healthy relationship, Sam begins muttering about being a time traveler from the year 2470.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Mr-Fusion "Happy Accidents" is one of those movies you don't find every day. It goes just enough against the grain to feel fresh. Very much a romantic comedy (/drama?) rooted in science fiction.Central to this thing are good performances from Vincent D'Onofrio and Marisa Tomei, the former for his gawky weirdness and the latter for struggling to decide (like the rest of us) if D'Onofrio is really from the future or just traumatically scarred. There's always a new seed of doubt to be sown, which is what made the journey vexing for me. The mystery is way too drawn out, and it ends up just a bit of a slog But the movie does have its winning features (particularly Ms. Tomei) and a decent payoff once we get to bottom of all of this.6/10
Rozinda *Contains spoilers* This is a most trying movie. The idea seemed good going on the DVD cover, but the reality is tedious and at time irritating.It could have been OK if only the scriptwriter hadn't had verbal diarrhoea and if the female lead hadn't acted the part far too often in a fit of hysteria. We have to endure groups having arty conversations that have very little to do with the plot - at times nothing at all that I could see, and worse, are excruciatingly boring.The heroine is irritatingly dim. She's had a history of loser lovers and when you watch her you aren't going to be very surprised about that. When her futuristic lover turns up, she's unable to listen to him trying to explain his situation because she's just too thick to understand anything much of what he's talking about. She doesn't have to believe him, but she could at least have some grasp of science and time so that the guy could feel he's talking to a woman with a brain. In other words, these two characters are totally unsuited - unless the futuristic visitor really wants just a bimbo? It's somehow not surprising that she has to keep visiting a shrink though she doesn't seem to improve from the visits.The most worrying thing is why this futuristic guy bothered to come back to find Ruby, but I guess it must be that man thing we women hear about that men fall for a girl's looks, not her intellect. This girl doesn't have much intellect. I have to say this may be due to the frenetic way the part is played. Perhaps the actress could have interpreted the script with something more measured than that style which Americans call zany. Perhaps it was all meant to be hilariously funny but I love funny stories and I didn't find much in this movie that's really funny.The hero tries, he really does. He acts the part pretty well. You can feel for him. It would have been good to hear more about his future time but we're told so little it's infuriating.There are a few interesting touches in what's mostly pretty long-drawn-out and disappointing. I particularly liked it whenever we were introduced to other time travellers, particularly the shrink - yes, that was a surprise to me, very clever. But those intro's were so rare and so brief. Once I knew there were others around, I was waiting for them and a few more would have helped liven up the movie.The solution to saving the hero from his problem re how to "stay" in "now" is one of those tedious ideas that "love will do the trick. It was so, so cheesy. For all we know, it may really be the solution to everything, but I hope not the way it's put over in this movie. This is a movie based on a quite clever sf idea but the s has nearly all gone missing and it's very short on any interesting f.Vaguely watchable if you are desperate for something to see and take a liking to the casting.The issue of what happens if you change history by going back in time is always intriguing. A pity it wasn't treated more seriously in this tale, but I think this movie isn't aimed at sf fans.
Gore_Won Have you ever watched a movie without natural dialogues? Would you rather see something with lines only novel writers would use? How about a movie clearly made by amateurs that pretends to talk about time travel, but which ends typical Hollywood style? Now, would you watch a movie that carries unsympathetic weirdoes who even the most troubled person would avoid in real life, such as the unprofessional therapist and one of the more obnoxious guy you'd ever meet? If you were told you'd die in an accident tomorrow, would you eat packaged food brought from the store today? I could go on and on, but I should stop now before I waste even more time than I already have.
JustMe2008 I loved this movie it was a great powerful indie flick. When you first start watching it you think something then toward the end you are stunned it is so easy to watch and Vincent D'Onofrio and Marisa Tomei have great chemistry and light up every screen you watch it on. I tell everyone I know you rent it and watch it because I love it and it will be one of my best all time favorite movies. Even though there is cussing and inappropriate things it is such a great movie coming from a Vincent D'Onofrio Fan. If you like any actors that play in this film you will love it. It is a love story no matter what anyone says and even though the plot can be alittle strange it's very interesting. You will fall in love with it. Especially when Sam says I feel like my whole life has been a journey into your arms. That is a powerful quote and i give props to who wrote that. Rhiannon
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