About Time
About Time
R | 01 November 2013 (USA)
About Time Trailers

The night after another unsatisfactory New Year's party, Tim's father tells his son that the men in his family have always had the ability to travel through time. They can't change history, but they can change what happens and has happened in their own lives. Thus begins the start of a lesson in learning to appreciate life itself as it is, as it comes, and most importantly, the people living alongside us.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
garabedian123 No matter how many times you jump around in time...From your perspective anything that happened before "that" moment is in your past..even if it happens to occur in the future of the world. So if you go back in time and stop your kids from being born..that happened in your past even if your kids are not born until the future happens. So the main Character's past is at times, located in the future.. So it lets you undo any big mistakes. I feel like they could have done more with time travel rather than being all romantic. Don't get me wrong I love the romantic side of the movie. But he basically just decides that this woman is going to be his soul mate...It was only the 2nd woman he ever liked. And it was just too easy to woo her which Made me think that he was going to find another love somewhere down the line but I am glad it stayed simple. Could you imagine how crazy it would be if he had a brother. The father had multiple brothers didnt he? wouldnt it have been super crazy...
ManchesterMatthew I'm amazed this film has garnered as many high scores as it has, because it fails as a romance and fails in its time-travel premise.Time-travel rarely works well in anything and the viewer often has to not think too hard and just go with it, but the mechanics this film chooses to use simply don't make sense. If he went back in time into the mind of his younger self, okay, I could have bought it (as in The Butterfly Effect). But for his time-travelling self to appear, as a separate entity, in a wardrobe or other space makes no sense. What's supposed to have happened to the "original him" in the time he travels back to? For example, he goes back to the New Year's party first thing. What if at the point he travels back he was in a crowded room. What happens to him? That "him" just pops out of existence and suddenly he comes downstairs from the cupboard like a bad magician on a talent show? And when he goes back in the cupboard to travel back? Then what? Where's the rest of "him" from the time he just left? Waking up in a cupboard wondering how he got there?It. Makes. No. Sense. And romance? Don't make me laugh. It's so creepy to think he went back to his love-of-his-life's apartment for the first time, their "first time" together happens three times for him but only once for her. So what she thinks was their first time was his third time they'd done the deed? This doesn't strike anyone as disturbing? And he lies and manipulates those closest to him all his life, changing things to suit him and only him? How romantic!Oh but wait - he does suddenly try to take his sister back - succeeds - but then because it alters HIS life in a way he doesn't like (though dramatically altering hers) - nah, forget that, sis, go get hit by a car - you brought it all on yourself anyway! Not having you upsetting my perfect idyl!A horrible film and a nonsense concept. I wish I could go back in time and never watch this garbage again.
hylianfrenchfry I absolutely adore this movie. Although some parts are a little unrealistic (which should be expected since its a movie with time travel), it's still a great story. Rachel McAdams is perfect for any romantic comedy movie. I thought Domhnall Gleeson was very charming and quirky. Although he is very attractive, he definitely is not the typical handsome guy you seen in most romance movies, which I think adds to his charm. Margot Robbie is beautiful and flawless as usual. I think it would have been difficult for most guys to turn her down, so props to Tim. The plot is mainly about love, but it also focuses on family, life, and death. Even my boyfriend (who hates all cheesy romantic things) loved this movie.
vittorio-cinque Amazing, I can always watch it again without getting tired