Begin Again
Begin Again
R | 11 July 2014 (USA)
Begin Again Trailers

Gretta, a budding songwriter, finds herself alone after her boyfriend Dave ditches her. Her life gains purpose when Dan, a record label executive, notices her talent.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
hirojapanese This is the movie that I bought the sound track of it; music is great. This movie is featuring Adam Levine from Maroon 5, why not the music is good? Of course it is great. And Keira Knightley, one of my favorite actresses is also on. Perfect combination and therefore so is the movie... However, the story is not bad, good. But not excellent. Why I say this is that I barely the detailed points of the movie; what is the character's name, what happens between the two main character etc... The point is that the story is not so much to remember; not dramatic to the level to remain in mind. But music is excellent for sure. Should check it out to enjoy the music.
Nawarophaat Rungphiboonsophit Really love this movie! I saw it many times. Great acting. Great story.
cegentner I had heard about some parts of the plot, so I was expecting this film to a lot sadder than it turned out to be. Ruffalo and Knightley portrayed a music producer and folky songwriter who pleasantly were never romantically involved, but built a wonderful friendship instead. These two actors displayed this story very well, along with a few celebrities that I didn't expect, such as Adam Levine, James Corden, and upcoming actress Hailee Steinfeld. The director, John Carney, made a good use of many different angles and transitions in the film. There was a variety of uses for the cut transition, but most of them had the effect of making you feel like the scene was real. It cut forward in time, yet in the same scene, and that allows the audience to feel like the scene hasn't truly been cut. The transitions weren't the only thing that made this film feel real. The actors portrayed their emotions and the situations in a way that made it not seem planned out or scripted. This was what I loved about this movie most; that I hardly felt like I was watching a movie, but that I was living the journey with these unique characters.
vlad n. leu A lovely, warming tribute to all those (hundreds of thousands?... millions ?...) of artists, musicians & composers, blessed with that wonderful God-given true gift of deep understanding and sensing of music... and who, however, don't quite 'make it' in this business... Firstly, the music score is awesome, you just have to listen and you're hooked forever... The growing chemistry between Ruffalo & Knightley characters is sweet and helps the plot to overcome some inevitable, typical clichés. I'm not at all a fan of movies about musicians and bands, but this one is absolutely nonesuch thing. It simply is a movie about friendship, trust and what human inter-relationship should be about. Setting is also excellent. Dear Scarlet J, sorry but... opportunity missed...