R | 05 December 2014 (USA)
Comet Trailers

When a chance encounter brings together the cynical Dell and the quick-witted Kimberly, the stage is set for a tempestuous love affair that unfolds like a puzzle. As the film zigzags back and forth in time-from a meteor shower in LA, to an encounter in a Paris hotel room, to a fateful phone call — an unforgettable portrait of a relationship emerges.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Bereamic Awesome Movie
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
vernieb-35142 At the end of the movie when Kimberly tells Dell she's pregnant, and we know they aren't getting back together; I thought for sure Dell would jump over the rail and kill himself. That would have been quite shocking and more enjoyable cuz we wouldn't have to listen to him utter one more syllable. Instead, we get a big question mark with an open for interpretation ending.
KC Quinn I honestly thought Comet was a terrible, terrible movie...but I am 'not allowed' to say so. If you are reading this I am very surprised. And I am going to make this my last post due to the fact I always thought there was some type of collusion and reviews were not totally truthful...I am sure I will be banned anyway.Someone who posts on this site reported my comments on the movie Comet as abusive????? And to make matters worse IMDb removed my posting.All other reviews of this movie rave on like it won 100's of awards. There are only a few bad reviews. The quality of the good reviews are out of this world. A very odd balance and rarely happens...hmmm.Do you people who post these reviews think others are stupid. Even an award winning movie would not have the exuberant reviews this one has...nor the hefty balance of good vs. bad.Have you no shame. THIS SITE IS TO GIVE VIEWERS AN IDEA AS TO WHETHER A MOVIE IS GOOD OR BAD. Not to pump up ratings. Viewers come here for truthful opinions! I thought this was a free country. I thought there was freedom of speech. Well, not here anyway. I have no idea what type of 'pull' the people who rave of this movie have but obviously it is extremely powerful.I wish I could show all the post that was reported as abusive but I am 'not allowed' to re-post it.To me the term abusive means rude, vulgar etc. i.e. swearing, name comments did not contain any of the aforementioned. I just didn't like the movie for many reasons, thought it was one of the worse I have ever seen and said so...that is not abusive. That is freedom of speech and honesty.At one point there were articles online stating Emmy Rossum and Justin Long collaboratively directed the movie. These articles are no longer out there, at least I could not find them. I made one comment saying 'one should stick to what they know' in reference to Emmy Rossum and Justin Long directing this film. Now if that is what is considered abusive IMDb and the people who reported my post should read some of the other posts I have come across here in the past few years.Honesty is what wins respect.
Carson Trent The concept of eternal recurrence is ancient. Basically is says that anything that exists will do so forever and ever, the same way, repeating infinitely. The concept of wheel of time known in Buddhism as Kalachakra expresses the idea of an endless cycle of birth, existence, knowledge and death. By relying only on the elements provided in the movie, the comet-which is cyclical and the fact that Dell has multiple sensations of déjà vu, as well as the fact that it takes place in a parallel universe, suggest that Sam Esmail has taken the concept of eternal recurrence into account. Also during the movie we have the debate that a painting as opposed to a movie can be looked at any time and can convey the whole message at once. The love story is in fact presented as a painting. All the elements presented are meant to make up the "image" of their romance, trapped in time, trapped into existence. However, the fact that we are not shown what happens at the very end can logically only mean that we have not been given all elements. The puzzle is incomplete. Also, the fact that we are being shown the apocalyptic scene in the end (where Kimberly practically closes all possible ways of reconnecting with Dell) can only mean that the missing piece is one of climax regarding their story. Also, Kimberly is clearly lying at the end when she says that she just likes Roxette. When we see her singing along while driving she is exuberant, in love with that other guy. I'm not saying that her starting listening to Roxette is an indication that the relationship is ending, but she is lying. The Roxette song says : "It must have been love but it's over now" - clearly stirring mixed emotions within her regarding the ending love with Dell, as she felt at that time, and the beginning love towards the other guy.Finally, if we look at their story as a painting, the beauty is that even if it ended in apocalypse it's still trapped into existence to replay endlessly until the end of time.
TheNew Neandertalien Produced by The Propagandist Cabal: smoking, drug use(?), cheating, divorcing, mixed-racism... Art: misleading advice to couples; good actingThe director of "Comet" is Sam Esmail. He was later appointed as "creator" of the 2015 brainwashing blockbuster "Mr Robot". The Propagandist Cabal took control of the Hollywood and in each movie sadistically programs young and old into smoking, using pharmacological and illegal drugs, drinking liquor, cheating-divorcing, "mixed-racing". "Mixed racing" means forming mixed race couples. And "mixed-racism" means the nauseating repetitive propaganda of mixed race mating.Propagandist programming in "Comet" is lighter, but you can check almost all of the check-boxes for the brainwashing points enumerated above. The money to make Comet came from Tobacco industry and similar from the "pool of sponsors" of The Propagandist Cabal. The artistic part gives a misleading advice on how to meet and impress your future wife(over sophisticated talking is not the best way), and on how to behave when you are a couple. The parts where a couple breaks up and the guy feels miserable are portrayed correctly. The two main actors do a great job. The writing is smart enough (outside the crap imposed by The Propagandist Cabal) but misleading, does not describe reality. The director Sam Esmail is probably an idiot (based on his twitter, an interview to HuffPost and on "Mr Robot"). He didn't write any of the dialogue. He may have done the confusing editing. Survival Rule: do not get back together with your ex girl friend after she went out (slept) with another man. Waste of time.The verdict: 1)due to propagandist programming, teenagers and most of young adults, should not watch. People able to spot brainwashing and to resist it can watch. It is somewhat entertaining; 2) do not pay for it. Tobacco industry and the rest of The Propagandist Cabal already