Showrunners: The Art of Running a TV Show
Showrunners: The Art of Running a TV Show
| 31 October 2014 (USA)
Showrunners: The Art of Running a TV Show Trailers

“Showrunners” is the first ever feature length documentary film to explore the fascinating world of US television showrunners and the creative forces aligned around them. These are the people responsible for creating, writing and overseeing every element of production on one of the United State’s biggest exports – television drama and comedy series. Often described as the most complex job in the entertainment business, a showrunner is the chief writer / producer on a TV series and, in most instances, the show’s creator. Battling daily between art and commerce, showrunners manage every aspect of a TV show’s development and production: creative, financial and logistical.

Steineded How sad is this?
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
rpessm Not many people are too interested in how TV is made, it's just expected to be made by someone; hence, the low number of people that actually were drawn to watch this documentary is telling. Having worked in TV production, I can tell you the process is a grind and often boring and often tiring. As the Showrunner for Battlestar Galactica says: when so many questions need to be answered, and, as a result, there is chaos on the set, he just says to everybody "it's not heart surgery! We're just making a TV show." And another says: in the back of your mind, you have to remember that nobody will care as much as you do about your "pretendy" little TV show.... -- you get the idea, for the most part, that these Showrunners do not lose the rational perspective that this is business. The idea that TV is pretentious is acknowledged by all these hard-working leaders of basically small businesses that put a lot of people to work. And every one of them mentions in some way or another that it is about meetings, negotiations, persuasion, and mostly money. To depict this process and the result as "art" is debatable, but who cares. It's about work and money...and having some freedom to contrive stories and characters for the purpose of entertaining their respective audiences, the content of which, for the most part, we have seen before...and will see again. That's what humans do...the same thing over and over and over again. We are rutted.
Arenas4812 I really enjoyed this. When I worked as an E.P. at a small town station...creating content for multiple hours a day is tough (think Wyoming or Montana). I agree with the "new" term Show-running. These guys are definitely more like a Station Director or Manager at that point. Not just an E.P.! This is a pretty good insight into the world of television. I was surprised at how similar the writing process is with local stuff and a network drama. It's still writing scripts to get the audience's attention. Dealing with the networks has to be nerve racking at the level! Breaking into T.V. at any level is tough now-a- days. I liked the one producer's story on how it took him ten years to be successful. This film is definitely a watch for college students trying to break into TV/Broadcasting!
gavin6942 A documentary that explores the world of U.S. television showrunners and the creative forces aligned around them.Although I am a huge fans of movies and have a rather solid understanding of their production and creation, I must confess I never really thought about television. I pictured it being similar, though on a smaller scale. This documentary shows that my belief is not accurate: in many ways, television is on a much larger scale, and certainly requires a greater capacity for creativity when new ideas have to be generated each week.Touching on "Lost" was great, because it was a show many people (myself included) were addicted to. There is still debate over whether the creators really knew where the story was headed, and how much had to be invented along the way. Few, if any, of the fans were satisfied... could this have been rectified?
dcscribe8860 There are plenty of books, DVD's and other filmed documentaries about the goings-on backstage that occur in the process of making television, good, bad or indifferent. SHOWRUNNERS: THE ART OF RUNNING A TV SHOW quite simply deserves the ten out of ten IMDb rating I've bestowed it with, because nothing else I've seen has been as thorough - or as thoroughly entertaining - as this Irish- based production on the subject.Director Des Doyle and his crew have pulled out all the stops, and as a result, been granted a rare audience with all of the people that the most rabid of us fans would love to have five minutes with, (and you get considerably more time than that here easily). J.J. Abrams (ALIAS, LOST), Joss Whedon, (BUFFY, ANGEL, FIREFLY), Ron Moore (BATTLESTAR GALACTICA), Hart Hanson, (BONES, BACKSTROM), Terence Winter (BOARDWALK EMPIRE, THE SOPRANOS), Janet Tamayo (RIZZOLI AND ISLES), Jane Espenson, (BUFFY, HUSBANDS)...and that's hardly a complete list. Everyone who appears offers some revealing aspect of what goes on behind the creation and administration of a show, telling us more than we ever knew - or even cared to know, in some cases.We get an examination of what makes someone tick, who has to be ready to answer a billion questions, put out about as many bonfires as they crop up on a daily basis; wrangle story ideas, script changes, notes from the network, from show directors and even from the actors's the 'BEST and the WORST job you can have', to paraphrase one subject's summation of what it's like.I have always had an appreciation and admiration for what showrunners do...But this film only strengthens and deepens that feeling. Especially since I could never imagine doing it myself!