Manhattan Romance
Manhattan Romance
| 02 October 2015 (USA)
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Danny, a commercial editor and documentary filmmaker attempts to finish his film, a study on relationship while navigating the relationships in his own life. Will he continue to chase the unattainable Theresa a hippy new age dancer(Caitlin Fitzgerald) or will he finally admit he's in love with his best friend Carla (Katherine Waterston) who is in an unfulfilling relationship with a political strategist(Gaby Hoffman). Manhattan Romance is a funny insightful look at contemporary life in Manhattan. It explores new age ideas and open relationship as well as true friendship and connection.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
brycefiona A genuine modern tale. O'Brien takes the role of a gentle and nice guy with strength and depth. He has written dialogue for the messed up of today. His complicated guy actually is one of the most interesting male characters in a contemporary movie. He doesn't fall over for the strong and articulate women and holds his own. Being alone is part of his completeness and he doesn't see it as a problem. He bats off the usual gay slings so pointedly thrown at single guys today without a concern of personal intrusion. And he moves gracefully around complicated sexual people with ease. Scattered throughout are tiny snips of relationships as they fall, rise and find their centres. It's a talky movie and all the better for it.
ComedyFan2010 A romantic movie that shows everyday romances in a more realistic way than the fairy tales we are so used too. Here we have people dealing with the problems that come when you are building a relationship with other. It can be that one prefers to be alone and not many people can challenge it, that one wants to start it with somebody who prefers to have no commitment or that one is in love with a friend.The movie isn't bad. But it isn't great either. It started too slow for me and took too long before I felt a slight caring for the relationships between the people on the screen. Unfortunately it didn't make me care as much as it should.The great parts about the movie are the acting. Katherine Waterston is absolutely perfect in her role. I almost fell in love with her myself and I am not a lesbian. And I absolutely loved the scene where Danny talks about the ending of movies. It kind of predicts the ending but also gives us so much more meaning for it.
cailey-evans I was looking for a date night movie with my boyfriend and I found this one online. I fell in love with this movie because of the way it approached all different kinds of love with complete acceptance and an attempt at understanding. There is a lesbian, a woman who is figuring out her sexuality, a straight male, and a straight female who only involves herself in open relationships. And none of these people are portrayed as anything but individuals, acknowledging the fascinating role sexuality plays in society today. As this movie went on, I found that I loved the dialogue and the interactions between all of the characters.
tigerfish50 'Manhattan Romance' begins with film-maker Danny embarking on a documentary about relationships, which requires him to interview various acquaintances and strangers about their love lives. One of them is a manipulative neo-hippie tease called Theresa, who encourages him to give her topless massages while she talks about her open relationship life-style. Her flirting has Danny anticipating detours into amorous activity, but she keeps putting him off with vague excuses. In between these frustrating encounters, he visits his friend Carla and films her discussing her lesbian romance. When he complains to Carla about his unrequited desires for Theresa, she offers only amused eye-rolls and muted sympathy in response.The film is Tom O'Brien's second feature as writer/producer/director/actor, and his material and input give the excellent cast plenty of space to create intriguing characters. The story takes some interesting twists and turns as Danny zigzags between his project and real life relationships. The boundary separating these two zones becomes increasingly blurred, leaving Danny unsure about his ability to connect with other people. 'Manhattan Romance' delivers accessible, sophisticated entertainment, which is both playful and poignant, before the narrative unfolds to a satisfying conclusion.