Drinking Buddies
Drinking Buddies
R | 23 August 2013 (USA)
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Weekend trips, office parties, late night conversations, drinking on the job, marriage pressure, biological clocks, holding eye contact a second too long… you know what makes the line between “friends” and “more than friends” really blurry? Beer.

Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Erik Stuborn A supposed comedy without surprising moments or funny situations, predictable and without romantic tension, in which the only interesting characteristic of the male 'handsome' is that he plays cards and wins. Plus it's one of those movies where the prettiest girl is the loser. Where have I seen this? Seems like all the fun is in drinking all the time. It looks like a promo of a beer brand rather than a movie in which its creators want to transmit some of their creativity. Flat and boring.
melodylin1 Plot is slow to develop. Characters are underdeveloped. It's just long and boring. Found myself dozing off most of the movie. But once I started, I forced myself to finish and kept waiting for some semblance of a storyline that never came.
spencergrande6 If Joe Swanberg's filmography has an essential work, I think this is it. His filmmaking style repels that term, his body of work speaks for itself more than individual films do. I would list him as a favorite director, eagerly awaiting his next work, but without being able to list one of his films as a personal favorite.But this is the closest, it's partly because he's working with a more "veteran" cast -- Olivia Wilde owns this thing with her charisma and "cool" girl charm, and should be killing it in more movies like this -- but also because, like most of his films, there are things to learn but no lessons, and here he hits that balance rather perfectly. Lives are left as they are, with things that have happened, and a more standard studio version of this would have wrapped things up and let the characters know exactly how they should be living their lives. Not here, not exactly.
TheMarwood Neither bad or approaching anything remotely good, Drinking Buddies is a more an acting improv exercise than a film. There's nothing cinematic here and the small servings of drama and comedy are lost in a film that never finds its purpose to exist. Taking place in a few locations, with no script, the cast does a decent job of keeping this mostly watchable, but with such little substance, the film is practically vapor by the end credits. Drinking Buddies is the kind of quiet film that attempts and almost approaches honesty through its everyday people characters, but watching these people get drunk and flirt feels more and more distancing to the viewer as the film goes on - its getting a small peek at a slice of life from a few very believable, but uninteresting characters. There hits a point that spending time with these people has worn out its welcome and their little story is undeserving of big screen treatment. There's no eye rolling moments here, but it's a dramatic flatline of a film that amounts to being nothing more than a time waster.