King Jack
King Jack
| 01 April 2015 (USA)
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Growing up in a rural town filled with violent delinquents, Jack has learned to do what it takes to survive, despite having an oblivious mother and no father. After his aunt falls ill and a younger cousin comes to stay with him, the hardened 15-year-old discovers the importance of friendship, family, and looking for happiness even in the most desolate of circumstances.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
oliviagd15 A simple movie with a simple story, the reason why it works so incredibly well is the film understands what it is and uses it to the best it can be, and that is very good. The film is lead by an outstanding (and I mean outstanding) by Charlie Plummer who plays the title role Jack. The other actors Cory Nichols, Christian Madsen and Danny Flaherty are also very compelling in their roles. Written and directed very well by Felix Thompson, it explores the brutal ways of a young boy going through bullying, family troubles and having to deal with discovering who he is also with trying to take care of his younger. A surprisingly gritty movie that shows the real trouble that neglect and misunderstanding can do to young people and it captured wonderfully by Thompson and Plummer. The movie also shows that kids can be really cruel and their are a view scenes that are very sad and painful to watch that hit you right in the heart. A truly amazing film and definitely a gem of an indie film.
Steve B This movie features the kid (Charlie Plummer) from "Granite Flats" (TV Series), where he did a brilliant job as a nerdy very polite kid. - But, as fantastic as he was in Granite Flats, I couldn't help but wonder if this kid was a One Trick Pony. That is, is the nerdy kid all he can play.After watching "King Jack", I can assure you this kid is NO One Trick Pony. His performance in King Jack was brilliant. I expect very good things from him in the future.The movie itself, which I found very enjoyable, was short of perfect. But I would highly recommend it to anyone who loves Indie Film.A dark story about a kid trapped in poverty, in a less than desirable neighborhood, with a family which I will generously describe as dysfunction, and his struggle to simply endure.Charlie Plummer is an actor to keep an eye on as I expect very good things for him in the future.
Lorace Dem This film has nothing whatsoever to say about bullying, kidnapping, assault and battery committed against boys. It also has nothing to say about boys being shamed and mocked for their penis size, called homophobic slurs, being hit by their parents and older siblings, or the real traumatic, life-long consequences these events leave on the human psyche. It merely shows these things happening without consequences, while smirking in the process.An opportunity to revel in white trash abusive parenting and the outdated "honor code" where if you are physically assaulted, it's wrongly implied that it's your fault because you were "weak" "not tough enough," and definitely not the fault of the violent scumbag who beat you up to satisfy his own ego, or the dozens of onlookers who did nothing to stop it.It's also portrayed in the end as 'humorous' that the titular character refuses to report his attacker who nearly killed him to the police, thus ensuring that the cycle of bullying and violence will go on forever.Truly, this is a film for people who don't bother to stop and examine the injustices, abusive relationships, and trauma they've experienced, but rather to mindlessly celebrate it, normalize it, and depict it as being o.k. A film made by a mind who is equally immature as the subjects he's filming.
TomShortell I attended Tribeca Film Festival 2015 to screen 'King Jack', this was followed by a QNA with director Felix Thompson along with the cast and crew.I had only read a brief summary for this film before viewing as I wanted to be spontaneous. From start till finish it really kept my mouth open. King Jack is played by Charlie Plummer, the story follows a boy growing up in a suburban area. Normally day consists of neglect and bullying. Due to his aunt becoming sick, his cousin Ben played by Cory Nichols has to stay with Jack and his family and this is the last thing that Jack needs right now. With problems already occurring in Jack's life, his cousin gets involved with Jack as he deals with his reality.This movie beautifully analyses the use of friendship and finding that point were you have a real emotion towards someone. Turning that mood where you have no feelings to one that allow you to open up. This perfectly describes a young boy's childhood in these kind of circumstances. As a directorial debut Felix Thompson completely won me over with a rather funny first shot involved with a garage until the beautiful ending that concluded a magnificent film that I will most certainly catch again.