The Way Way Back
The Way Way Back
PG-13 | 05 July 2013 (USA)
The Way Way Back Trailers

Shy 14-year-old Duncan goes on summer vacation with his mother, her overbearing boyfriend, and her boyfriend's daughter. Having a rough time fitting in, Duncan finds an unexpected friend in Owen, manager of the Water Wizz water park.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
labeatkryeziu A brilliant movie with awesome actors and a great storyline. This is a movie which i think people might enjoy more when they are a bit down and want to watch a good movie There is literally nothing bad about this movie and one of the best movies i have seen all year Im not gonna spoil anything but hear me out on this one and watch it :)
FilmBuff1994 The Way Way Back is a good movie with a well developed plot and a great cast that shine in both comedic and dramatic moments. There's a melancholy atmosphere as we follow a boy at a summer home he does not want to be in at an awkward age where he does not know who he truly is yet, I certainly found Duncan relatable from my own youth. The best performances, for me, are Steve Carell and Sam Rockwell, Carell does a surprisingly great job at playing an unlikable character, while Rockwell brings in the heart, as well as a lot of laughs, giving us a very flawed, likable man. It strives to be different, it feels like it is trying too hard to uplift us, however, there are many other movies like this, awkward teen movies are common and there is not much that differentiates this from the likes of Adventureland or The Perks of Being a Wallflower, some moments felt forced as we have seen it done a million times before. Very little change happens for the main character which disappointed me, Duncan may make new friends and experiences, but when he leaves the summer home at the end he does not seem too different from the man he was at the beginning, there was not enough of a transformation, which people like to see in movies. While it is certainly formulaic, The Way Way Back is an emotional movie that is relatable and boasts a talented cast, worth the watch if you are looking for a good comedy drama, just do not go out of your way to see it. A young teen learns to gain self confidence over the course of a summer. Best Performance: Steve Carell
sugarnspices I rated this movie a 2 out of 10. It had a few funny scenes thanks to Allison J., but even her character was over the top and never turned off. That was my main "problem" with this movie was all the over the top/extreme personalities of just about every character. Nobody is like this in real life, all the time. Now let me go into the most "oh come on already" characters of this extreme Hollywood wanna be Indie, deep movie. The kid, Duncan. This kid made me feel so uncomfortable the entire time. From his dark purple lips and bleached out skin, to his long unnatural arms with huge hands and head. Now not trying to be mean, but I thought he had some kind of giantism and was autistic, had to come to trust my IMDb and read his page to find out I was wrong. He crossed the "shy, finding himself" feel to plain old creepy and mentally disabled. Couldn't relate with him at all other than feeling sorry for him by the way every one "treated" him and completely ignored him. Which brings me to the mother..Toni Collete. I love her. Always have. But I've never been so disgusted with a female character in my life. Just completely ignoring and watching some boyfriend completely ridicule and put down your obviously different son, non-stop, everywhere was just completely annoying and angering. Yes, let's strap on a HUGE red life vest on this kid with a whole group of people, but he is the ONLY one that has to wear it because your boyfriend said so. And on top of that, let's ALL just completely ignore the fact the kid is sitting in the shade by himself looking like he is about to kill himself, and all just laugh and have a good old time, only glancing over and showing some kind of "aw" once in awhile, but go right back to the group fun! What a great mom!!! If I were that kid I would have told her to shove it up where the sun don't shine and never speak to her again. That kind of mental abuse is not funny or she just needed to see it herself and figure it out. No. She needed to be slapped in the face and take her mom card away. Oh but she climbs in the "way way back" at the end and give him the "op, sorry I was the worst mother alive for the last few weeks, putting some strange man before you repeadtly in front of everyone, but I look sorry so we are good, right? Cool." NO. Steve C. played the a-hole bf OK, at first. It got to a point of just ridiculousness and unreal by the end. The kid breaks out of the car to sprint to the water park last minute, shocking, and they go in to find him and Steve yells "What are we doing here, c'mon!!!" Yes, like he is expecting everyone to be like "oh, he is in the water park..he likes it there, who's hungry, let's just keep going." Over the top, unrealistic and annoying. Like most the movie. Brings me to pretty much every character from the water park. Annoying, annoying, over the top, unrealistic and did I say annoying?? The gross water slide guy and his 1 minute way too long of "hold it, still holding" annoyance was so stupid. Yes some 40 something year old creep is going to keep some teenage girl standing here as all 3 of them obviously stare at her body is OK and like she wouldn't notice and become skeeved out and leave. Disgusting. Sam R.'s character was the typical, laid back, don't care, super cool, can eff off all summer and in life, but not until the girl he likes puts him in his place in a random 5 second scene, was all he needed to start growing up and be a man. And don't get me started with the dancing scene at the water park. "You can have the cardboard, but you gotta dance for it" as they all stand around and clap and support his autistic awkward dancing, and don't forget the girl showing him all those rocking moves such as the robot! You know kids just LOVE the robot, it's just so cool!!! Barf. This movie was cute-ish, and had some good humor, but overall was a typical Hollywood script you could call 10 minutes before it happen and was beyond corny and campy and everything I can't stand in a movie.
Calum Rhys In all honesty, I completely loved this film, it is one of the most heartwarming coming-of-age stories of recent years and blends comedy, drama and emotion perfectly. With top notch performances, most notably from Sam Rockwell as the overzealous-yet-lovable waterpark manager Owen and Steve Carrel as the somewhat unexpectedly despicable Trent, both James and Robb also do wonders as the young duo. The film itself has a nice indie feel to it with a fantastic acoustic score, supported by some fine music choices and a generally satisfying story as a whole. A definite must-watch if you enjoy coming-of-age dramas with that hint of heartwarming humour.