Pawn Shop Chronicles
Pawn Shop Chronicles
R | 12 July 2013 (USA)
Pawn Shop Chronicles Trailers

The stories of a missing wife, a couple of meth heads and an Elvis impersonator are connected by the items found in a small town's pawn shop.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
kosmasp When someone first told me about this movie/title I had a smile on my face. I was quick to make a fun remark, just to be told I didn't understand the title correctly. "Pawn Shop" might sound like something that only adults are allowed to buy items/movies from. But obviously this is a different beast, so be careful how you pronounce it. Or have fun with anyone who misunderstands it like myself.The movie itself has hits and misses. I mostly liked what it tried to do (especially when it tried to connect the stories a little bit). There is different genres to be found here, but every short segment does have some humor in it. The actors make it worth your while and the ideas are mostly out there. Casting (the recently deceased) Paul Walker as a slacker is genius. And he really plays it as good as it gets. Nice little collection of movies, that should be a fun watch for most people
solidabs Haven't seen a flick that was decent in a long time. Great casting. Walker sucked except when he wore the clown mask. But the rest was awesome. Anybody giving this movie anything less then a 7 is a County Carnival Clown. At first watching Paul Walker Act was bugging the crap out of me. I was caught u watching him not keep up with the tweeker facial expressions he was using and then not using. He would start acting like normal guy while he is supposed to be tweaking. But anyway I hung in there and was a little freaked out by Matt Dillons aging appearance, but damn if he didn't do a great job. Elijah Wood was great and creepy as ever, exactly like Sin City. Deanofrio can never do a bad job. Not a Brendan Fraser fan at all but he was great too. This is now one of my new favorite flicks. Enjoy people.
videorama-759-859391 I love original and inventive movies. Something totally afresh. This movie fits that quota. It's most saddest fact, the late great Paul Walker, gives his best ever performance. I can't believe how' good he was. You sort of get the idea if from the trailer, this is something out of a Coen brothers film. But later travels a darker, more unforeseen path. For the first third, you'll just enjoy Walkers's presence as a race hating, redneck, constant beard scratching young hillbilly, with not much upstairs, who keeps having visions- seeing Elvis, one of his latest. Don't worry, you'll meet Elvis, later on, wonderfully personified by Fraser, as a bad impersonator/loser, bringing a lot of meat of his character, in a film, where each performance, is as impressive as the next. The acting bar has been set very high here. The film deals with inter related stories, centred around a lot of people (di..heads) who come into this pawn shop, manned by the great and tubby D'onofrio, delivering yet another performance of excellence. A very special diamond ring that belongs to a woman, who's been missing for six years has wound up in this pawn shop. Dillon the husband, identifies it, thus begins a quest to track down the former folk that pawned it, which soon brings us into the dark territory of the film. If reading this and you have seen Kramer's former, Tarantino's shoot em' up like piece, Running Scared, you'll know what I mean. And here again, I forgive Kramer, as if to ruin or put the dampeners on it as to these sick themes. The original idea of the story is apology enough. Our revenge driven Dillon, exacts a an inventively sick and shocking punishment on Wood, (our new 'Maniac') the keeper of all these girls, he's kept in cages in these silos. He uses them in private porno flicks, he makes, while also starring, and tugs his bishop over them. Dillon's wife is contained in another silo, on the account that she is special-number one. How she thanks Dillon is twisted. After rescuing the wife, Dillon gives Wood, seconds, where gladly we're denied from watching him go to work on Wood, where Wood's pain is just implied by subtitled yowls and squeals. I guess not being everyone's cup of tea, Pawn Shop Chronicles, is such originally different fun, but too, it's such a shame, this was to be one of Walker's last ever performances, where now his acting was really starting to impress.
zif ofoz Just discovered this movie and decided to watch as it is listed as a 'comedy'. And a very dark comedy it is! There are some really disturbingly funny scenes, but I found the balance of the film to be a sarcastically allegorical comment on life in America. Why the previous reviewers missed this is a surprise! Throughout the entire story director Wayne Kramer has offered to the viewer symbolic remarks on religion, politics, and economic life in the American laboring society.First we see the pawn shop - in America everything is a commodity that can be sold and bought - nothing has real value and value is always marginalized when the seller is in 'need'.Second Kramer offers the three rednecks who, on the surface are religious, in symbols only, and have no idea why 'they believe' because they are too consumed with destructive self indulgence. Then when Vernon is left for dead a 'savior' appears not to save him but to offer the chance for revenge. In America it's just believing that makes religion true, not understanding and living it.Third Richard discovers 'the ring' in the pawn shop and seeks answers as to how it got there. Kramer again shows us how property is valued in the social order. Material things along with humans are gifts for capitalist overlords. Shaw represents the ownership society. And when they offer favors to the 'working class' they are to be obedient and grateful, as seen with the caged women for Shaw's pleasure and the 'number one' caged girl who refuses to leave because she gets 30 minutes of television a week in 'the house'. Richard is the liberator and freedom fighter that American's always reject and destroy.Fourth Kramer gives us Ricky, the fourth rate Elvis impersonator, and here Kramer sums up the movie. Americans want to be 'a star' but few have that kind of talent outside of being a big fish in a small pond. And thats where Ricky finds himself. His image is compelling to the locals in that unnamed small southern town and they willing follow him around! Ricky wants a barber to even his sideburns and must choose between two identical barber shops. Kramer smartly symbolizes the American political system here as there is no real difference between the two leading parties (Democrats & Republicans). But the locals think there is a difference between the two barber shops and when Ricky picks one over the other mayhem erupts in the street. In America perception is what drives the choices. When the choice really doesn't exist! When Ricky gets to perform at the carnival he is so unprepared and untalented the locals reject him. Then when he accepts the offer made by the street preacher (Mephistopheles type character), Ricky's whole image changes when he starts singing 'Amazing Grace'. Suddenly the local towns folk see him as bright and talented because he has accepted their Christian values. Then the naked and filth covered cage women show up and wrap themselves in the American flag. The image of justice and freedom shine as long as Americans have patriotism and God. Shaw returns from the dead to claim the filth covered women and a new woman. They all follow him out. The locals are too star struck to notice what's happening right before them. Kramer shows how Americans cannot escape the capitalist system (Shaw) because society will always give into religion, patriotism and those who control the money.The film closes with Harry (little man/big truck) entering the pawn shop to teach Alton a lesson but JJ quells him easily and then it's business as usual for Alton. Harry is the collective conscience of America and it's small and easy to overlook, but it's always there.Pawn Shop Chronicles is a triumph for Kramer - it's perfection start to finish!
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