The Time Traveler's Wife
The Time Traveler's Wife
PG-13 | 14 August 2009 (USA)
The Time Traveler's Wife Trailers

Due to a genetic disorder, handsome librarian Henry DeTamble involuntarily zips through time, appearing at various moments in the life of his true love, the beautiful artist Clare Abshire.

Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Davis P Charmed really is the best word to describe my feelings about The Time Travelers Wife. This film was just so enjoyable to me, it zipped by, felt like no time had gone by because of how engaged I was. Wasn't that the perfect way to describe the pacing for this particular film lol. I am not familiar with the source material this is based off of, so I can't speak to how audiences who have read the novel will feel about it, but I personally really enjoyed this. I think a lot of the film's strength comes from the two lead actors. Rachel Mcadams and Eric Bana are both so great here, and I love them as a couple, I think they have great chemistry. I like them better together than I like her and Gosling, that's how much I really loved them as a couple. The film builds the depth and emotion necessary for the third act, it invests you in these characters. The key to a film like this is to do a good job with investing us in these people and their lives, or else it just becomes crazy empty time travel film. The time travel aspect of the film is handled well and I think they do it in a way to where it doesn't become choppy. I really don't know why this film got so many negative reviews, I loved it and think they did a great job. 9/10.
paranova9 is this movie about a time traveler? nooooo, it's about some obnoxious chick and her unreasonable demands: "The Time Traveler's WIFE". one notable instance is the time he is gone an unusually long 2 weeks - which seems to be an analogy of men being away from their family while working... during this time when he is time traveling, he faces great danger and hardship. but is the wife happy to see him when he gets home? nope: she's mad at him, and blames him for something he has no control over.aaaaaand then he's shot and killed. a fairy tale ending for any misandrist.I could go on about the many such instances of blatant sexism against men, and hatred against this poor guy, but you get the drift. it doesn't matter anyway, it's not about him, it's about his rating: wish I could un-see
markbyrn-1 From my vantage point, the definitive romantic time travel movie is the classic 1980 Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeves and Jane Seymour. Sad to say, The Time Traveler's Wife falls far well short in comparison because while it has a bit of romantic sentimentality, it's bogged down by a terribly muddled and eye-rolling time travel element. The time traveler played by Eric Bana has a bizarre genetic condition that causes him to randomly jump back and forth in time like a ping pong ball. Each time he has to endure these time jumps, his clothes stay behind and has had to beg, borrow or steal some duds. He's also prevented from changing the course of events (e.g. preventing his mother from dying in a car wreck) but did manage to remember some lotto picks so his wife could win the lottery in the future -sigh-. They say love conquers but the time plot was simply too preposterous and confusing; if they have made it a farcical comedy, it might have worked.
mustaller-44449 I enjoyed the movies story, I got lost trying to follow his movements,then understanding how two Alba's can stand next to each other.The comment I need to make it, I just now finished watching this movie, the relationship between Alba and her mother was so real with love and emotion the two actors were so moving with the maternal love and effect ion that parents can give a child, and these two pulled it off.I missed the first fifteen minutes I'll have to catch up, I want to understand his moving back and forth, how he can be gone, then show up within an hour coming back through the door.