PG | 02 June 1995 (USA)
Fluke Trailers

Workaholic Thomas Johnson dies in an auto accident and reincarnates as a dog. Remembering some of his previous being, he returns to his wife and son to protect them from the man who caused his accident. But, as time goes by, his memories return, and Thomas realizes he wasn't such a good husband and father.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
fertilecelluloid English horror scribe James Herbert's horror novels have proved difficult to adapt to the motion picture medium. "The Survivor", a brilliant novel that was ripped off by Peter Weir's "Fearless" and a handful of other movies, was a rotten pile of smoking crap. George Cosmatos's "Dark Eyes", based on Herbert's groundbreaking "The Rats", was almost unwatchable and totally unconvincing. Shifting its events from London to Canada (standing in for a US city) was its first cardinal sin. At least "Fluke" retains some of the Herbert novel's heart; it is much lighter, but it eliminates one of the novel's greatest scenes (the dog meeting a frog). It takes the character of Fluke (a human reborn as a dog) and some thematic elements from the novel, but it doesn't adhere to much else. Still, it's a well told story (with some mushy interludes) about a reincarnated man (on four legs) who attempts to reconcile with his loved ones and, in the process, is forced to accept some harsh truths about himself. The confronting of these harsh truths is what gives "Fluke" its depth and originality. The animals communicate telepathically, so we hear human voices over images of dogs with mouths that don't move much; the concept takes some getting used to, and it didn't really work for me. The interchanges themselves were fine, but the voices felt disembodied (though not as disembodied as the voice-over in the dreadful "Jonathan Livingston Seagull"). The performances of Mathew Modine and Eric Stolz are solid, as are the canine star turns. This is one of the better Herbert adaptations in that it is a decently made movie, but it still doesn't capture Herbert's bleak world view.
tmefunn I think, in my opinion, the film doesn't always need to include humans in every time. It can include the animals too. When I first saw this movie in the television, well... this is the first time a family movie packed with the animals that could ever touch my heart... I felt so...touched. I don't even know what must I say to give this comment! Actually, most event that could touch my heart is the dog's love... I don't know the exact situation about that dog, because I didn't watch it from the first time beginning. It some kinds like their father's reincarnation, or the others..., I guess. But I'm sure, that in the deepest meaning of this film, there's a love, and a responsibility between the family, although their 'father' is the dog.Yeah, that's it! Love will never be matched or even equaled by the other thing in this world. There's always be a connection, between the father, mother, and the child / children. And I like the film which can tell me that all!!!!! Example, this film!!!!! But, so pity. I ever expected that the ending of the film can be more happy and so touching... But... well, y'know, it's a little bit of disappointing!!!!! But, it wouldn't matter. I recognize what kinds of effort that they've done to make this film seems more touchable..........
nablaquadro Fluke is a family movie whom someone couldn't give so much credit.In my opinion it's great. I always loved pets and non-domestic animals so I can truly believe they've got a soul.In the movie, a young child loses his father, but for magic his soul transmigrates in a dog. With some clues, Fluke the dog will be accepted as the reincarnation of the dear daddy.I've lost my father at the age of 3. Sometimes is very hard think of it but I've got a special feeling with my cat. She's with me since 11 years (now I'm 26), I can see in her eyes a true spirit, like an angel standing by.With the help of this movie I've raised the conviction that animals should be guiding souls of exhaled dears for us.Yes, I still believe, though my "old" age, in such romantic things.----- My vote: 8 1/2 -----
kjones1067 You gotta love this movie if you love dogs. I have a golden retriever, and the stuff this dog does in the movie reminds me of my dog.1. In the junkyard, when he dials the phone, and his wife answers, and FLUKE licks the receiver.2. Fluke gets out of the laundry room, and goes upstairs and see's his kid with the covers off, he grabs the covers with his mouth and covers him up.3. Fluke goes into his wife's bedroom, stares at her, she's still sleeping on her side of the bed, when she wakes up and turns over, Fluke is laying right by her.GREAT