G | 19 April 2002 (USA)
Joshua Trailers

When Joshua moves to the outskirts of Auburn, he awakens the curiosity of the sleepy town. They don’t know who he is or where he came from, but no one can shake the feeling they’ve known him for years. Despite his benevolence and selfless work in the community, some remain suspicious. Just what exactly is Joshua up to?

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
danielhm The book was really not bad but the movie is just neo fundamentalist tripe.They've taken a fairly nuanced and subtle interpretation of a Jesus story and did absolutely nothing interesting with it.The characters hope to be one dimensional when they grow up. The story is very similar to being hit over the head with a brick.Repeatedly.I don't know why they bought the rights to this book and then decided to do absolutely nothing with it.It's a shame.
user-386-586660 Joshua is a film about a man who wanders into a town. He rents a barn and works out of it for his woodcarving shop. He performs miracles that no ordinary man could do, shows the towns people that God loves them, which makes Father Tordone suspicious. There is a very obvious parallel between Joshua and Jesus. Many of the miracles and actions Joshua performs are the same as those done by Jesus. Such as when a con men set up a Tent Revival, Joshua tells him he doesn't have to con people. This is similar to Jesus and the Pharisees. Pharisees were strict observers of laws and rules, but Jesus thought differently, he preached love. Where he sought sinners out rather than scorn them. The film seems to show that Joshua is a messiah. Especially as in the Bible, one key part of being a messiah is to rebuild Solomon's Temple. In the film it seems to be symbolized when Joshua rebuilds a Baptist Church destroyed in a storm. Joshua also performs miracles like making the blind see, and raising the dead. Vatican City then catches interest in his actions, a lot like how Jesus' actions caught the attention of the Roman Empire. But I don't think the movie wants Joshua to represent the Second Coming. As Joshua in the film hasn't returned the Jews to their homeland, which Jesus couldn't do, but is stated in several biblical verses. The Christian response to this assertion of Jesus not being a messiah is he will accomplish this in the Second Coming. The same can be said of unfulfilled biblical verses. This film seems to be capturing how Jesus will be perceived in the modern times, and how society has changed from the ancient times. What I took away from this film is that Jesus came to Earth and died for our sins. But he did not come to do work for us, he began preaching love, and it is the responsibility of Christians to continue this work to continue to spread the message. Joshua changes the faith of the town's people and showed them love, but it is up to the people to decide if they believe in what Joshua showed them, some like Tordone at first are skeptical and suspicious but others who are healed see the truth of Joshua's actions.
topicsmail If you have not watched this movie yet, rent or buy it and you will not regret it. As a born-again Christian I understand what I must do every day. I must show the love of Jesus everyday of my life. Parts of this movie showed that all faiths need to understand one very important thing. It is not about following the Law. It is about God's grace and mercy toward us. God showed me His grace AND his mercy when he saved me from a life filled with no hope. The law did not change my heart. God's love, grace and mercy changed my heart forever. Once he showed me how much He loved me, I could not help but return His love and it became my hearts desire to do what is right. Jesus filled a void that could not be filled with anything buy Himself. This movie was a poignant, moving reminder of why God saved me and why I am here.
rba154 I have to admit, I went into this film with a bad attitude. Joshua, the book by Joseph Girzone, is among my favorite books. This film was a low-budget, ninety-minute rehash of the base elements. That's what I expected. I was disappointed. As someone that holds Girzone's book in such esteem, I have to ask what on earth he was thinking.The film had very little to with the book. Barely anything, in fact. Names were changed for no apparent reason. My favorite parts of the book, like the conversations between Joshua and the residents, and the debates with the churches were excised entirely. The ending was completely ruined. In the book, it was meant to be a modern-day Jesus, where a man comes to Earth, does his work, and leaves. In the film, they go for a downright pathetic cop-out, trying to be as sugary sweet as possible.But by far the worst thing about the film is Joshua himself, played by Tony Goldwyn. To be frank, he is abysmal. The Joshua of the book was calm, friendly, loving, honest, and above all, wouldn't preach unless he was forced to. In the movie, he's calm, friendly, but in the worst possible way. Honestly, I felt slightly unnerved by Goldwyn's performance. It was like if Klaus Kinski did a ton of morphine before being told to act like a God. It's difficult to explain, and I might not be making sense, but Goldwyn was simply miscast.Really, there is nothing I can recommend the film for. There are really only three types of people who will see this film: The Average Person who will see it, hate it, and forget it, The Christian, who will enjoy it regardless of quality, or the Person Who Loved the Book, and will be invariably disappointed. Regardless of which category you may fall into, I'm wasting my time talking about it. Skip it, and read the book. It's a masterpiece of modern Christian literature.