Funny People
Funny People
R | 31 July 2009 (USA)
Funny People Trailers

Famous and wealthy funnyman George Simmons doesn't give much thought to how he treats people until a doctor delivers stunning health news, forcing George to reevaluate his priorities with a little help from aspiring stand-up comic Ira.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Wrapper30 Wow this movie left a warm glow inside you and proves that Adam Sandler is actually a fine actor.It feels like it is almost autobiographical as Sandler's character George is very rich but clearly not happy. Maybe that is how Adam feels about fame? George treats women like crap but clearly it is because he feels that way about himself. In the second half of the movie we see why as he rekindles his romance with his first true love before he became famous. However Eric Bana and two great kids come in to play. Bana is great.Excellent support from Jonah Hill and a whole host of cameos. My favourite is Eminem chewing out Ray Romano for staring at him.
Kingslaay This film was a mess, it was kind of all over the place in that there was no clear plot or message. If you were expecting a film with Adam Sandler and Seth Rogen to be comedic you will be very disappointed. This film is not funny and fails to have any genuine funny moments but some weak jokes here and there. It completely and utterly fails at drama which was so poorly done and unconvincing it was painful to watch. Clearly Adam Sandler is not cut out to be in dramas, the world has firmly placed him in the comedy genre that he has done so well in the past. Leslie Mann is a very unimpressive actress, unfortunately she seems to be showing up in almost every low level B film that might have done better had she not been in it. She mainly plays an over dramatic, whiny and fragile character in almost every modern film and is simply exhausting to watch. In other words she ruins almost every film she is in. Another star was removed just for having her in this film and making it worse than it already was.
runamokprods While this got very mixed reviews, and it's not a perfect film, I liked it on first viewing and on 2nd viewing I found its flaws even more forgivable and minor, and it's contents both funnier and sadder. Intelligent, funny, sad, real, with a terrific dramatic performance by Adam Sandler. Apatow does a terrific job of making us feel for stand up comics, the anger beneath the surface, the hurt and defensive hearts, the loneliness and self-imposed isolation that can come with success. Sandler plays a superstar comic, modeled it would seem on himself (or at least his public persona), who learns he is dying. But rather than take time to soak in life, he just drives himself harder, hiring a young writer (Seth Rogan, very good) to be his assistant, and sometimes gag writer, who graduates to become his opening act and sometimes sort-of friend -- but one that Sandler will lock out again on a moments notice if any of his buttons are pushed. Sandler's comic pines for the now long gone love of his life, and meets back up with her, and while the results are funny, they're also more complex, bitter and complex than we've come to expect from Hollywood films. A grown up comedy, in an industry that makes far too few.
FilmBuff1994 Funny People is a great movie with a very well developed storyline and a fantastic comedy cast that also do a really good job in scenes when they need to be more dramatic.It's another very well written comedy drama from Judd Apotow,which features a career turn for Adam Sandler,he takes a break from goofy comedies to play a character who really develops as we see him start off as a very pompous character and soon learns from his mistakes and becomes a better man,George Simmons is certainly one of the best performances of his career and without a doubt the character I had the most sympathy for out of everyone he's ever played.Seth Rogen also played a very normal character who I had the most sympathy for,partly because I am a huge fan of Rogen but also because I could really relate to him at times,particularly the awkward situations he was in and the way he just smiles when he can't think of anything to say.The film does bring in some great laughs as well of course,a lot of scenes had me in stitches and there are some quotable lines also.A serious story that still manages to bring in laughs,Funny People is a very enjoyable movie that I would recommend to anyone looking for a good comedy or drama. When a rich comedian finds out he has leukemia,he reconsiders his life,helped by an aspiring comedian.Best Performance: Adam Sandler Worst Performance: Eric Bana