Just a Kiss
Just a Kiss
R | 15 June 2002 (USA)
Just a Kiss Trailers

A group of thirtysomethings having problems with fidelity gets an opportunity to turn back the clock.

Sarentrol Masterful Cinema
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Maynard Handley Look, let's be honest here: this is a film that most people are going to hate. But if you're in the small group that like it, you're going to love it. It is NOT, contrary to what some reviewers are saying, a, "meh, average" film.This is emphatically not a genre film --- you don't know what to expect, and you can't judge it by genre conventions. In particular, give it about 20 minutes to set the mood and see if you like that. To the extent that it is any genre, it's dark/absurdist comedy. Some funny things happen, some completely unexpected and ridiculous things happen. But it's the comedy of ridiculousness, not on-going laugh-out-loud comedy.It's also not IMHO, pace some other commenters, meant to be a deep meditation on the fragility of life, how one small thing can change lives; it's not Sliding Doors or Run Lola Run. It uses elements of that sort of setup, but for absurdist effect, not to ruminate on life.Having said all that, I Ioved it. We have, in Rebecca the most desirable Manic Pixy Dreamgirl I've yet seen on screen. (Yes, yes, I know it's not PC to lust after MPGs, but, damn, done right they are so appealing; and boy was Rebecca done right.) We also have Marisa Tomei looking more lovely than in any other movie she's ever done. We have a constant stream of bizarre asides that do nothing to forward the plot but somehow just fit the movie (starting with the interaction with the taxi driver that opens the movie). What's not to love? Personally I wish more movies like this were made...
bohemian-in-a-tutu My friend and I found a DVD of this movie in the rental area in a hotel we were staying in, and, not seeing much else other than the fact that Taye Diggs was in it, proceeded to rent it.The whole way through we were making comments along the lines of "Whoa, this is really trippy..." But, as we realized after we finished the movie, that's okay. Sometimes a cinematic drug trip is exactly what you're looking for.Idina Menzel's cameo performance was freaking brilliant, as always. And the rest of the cast, esp. Taye, Marley Shelton and Marisa Tomei, carried this slightly whacked out movie well. Overall it was insane but enjoyable, although definitely not for everyone.
Mitiori Given the quality of the actors on this project, I thought this might be one of those overlooked movies that turn out to be a missed treasure. I discovered that it was overlooked for a really good reason. It is a really bad movie.I don't know what is worse - the script, some of the acting, the direction, the editing or those stupid illustrations effect they use at the opening of the movie (which was a warning sign) and throughout the rest of the movie in weird places. Maybe the director was trying to be "arty" and "different" like a lot of young artists try to do without having a keen understanding of why things are "traditional" as a guide to what is groundbreaking versus what is plain stupid.And what was with that freaky guy dressed in the eagle costume?The timeline was also annoying. It went from past to present, but since there is not a firm ground on who the characters are in the first place or why they are together, the flashbacks are indistinguishable and/or just annoying. This movie doesn't even have a good soundtrack to make up for the pain.Don't even ask about character development, consistency or believability. It doesn't exist in this film. Save yourself. Don't bother.
cpilchergfi Great images and a twist and turning plot line will keep you glued to your seat from the get go. A must see.. no plot summary here. You have to see it to mention anything will ruin this work of art. You are sure to want to see it again and again. So much is going on you have to see how it ends. Don't blink you will miss something.