Ice Quake
Ice Quake
PG | 11 December 2010 (USA)
Ice Quake Trailers

As the permafrost melts in Alaska, underground rivers of volatile liquid methane form which sets off a series of devastating earthquakes. Forced apart by this violent occurrence, one family must find each other during the holidays and work to stop the deadly rivers that could cause a worldwide catastrophy.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
zombie-32 When this movie is discovered by aliens races they will take notice. Opinions will be created. Discussions will be made. Wars will be fought. Cults will unify multiple species.Because of this movie waring species will join together in peace. They will form an alliance unified with one goal- the total and complete extermination of the Human species. Not only will the human species that created this movies be exterminated they will decided to sterilise any planet the humans are on in atomic fire just to be sure.Just to be sure.The glowing planets will be left as a stark reminder that some species truly deserve not enslavement, not consumption as food but the total and complete erasure from the universe
frivolousfate This movie reminded me of 'The Day After Tomorrow' from the get go;It is a natural disaster movie. The setting/environment is a cold climate, covered in snow. The plot is different, but the basic idea is similar. Sure, the plot is quite predictable and it's not entirely 'believable' but no more so than most movies. The special effects were pretty good. The characters and acting were descent as well. No real complaints. I thoroughly enjoyed it. If you are the type of person who will scrutinize over how plausible every detail is in reality you might not enjoy it as much. If you enjoy disaster movies, with good scenery, and go into it just looking for a little entertainment I suspect you won't be too disappointed.
mitch mitchel Ice Quake (2010) CATASTROPHIC is a gross understatement for this and all of these super cheesy uninteresting productions that are filmed here in British COLUMBIA. I too am discussed with this 'club' that uses public tax money too present this garbage to the movie viewing public.I for one can not get enough of 'disaster type or mother nature ruling the earth. when I come across a movie like this my first instinct is too look it up on IMDb. TO see the what and where etc. It is almost instinctive now when I read a title, that the movie may be another crappy unbelievably poor attempt at entertainment. when I see filmed in British COLUMBIA,I GET READY FOR THE WORST CGI on this planet. I have seen movies from decades ago with much better imaging that we get here in regards to this sci-fi crap produced here in British COLUMBIA. one could only imagine this is some kind of 'old boys club' who is the moron approving our money to go to these parasites called >PRODUCERS< what a laugh.I want in on our money also. 1 million Canadian lost their homes and jobs,in recent years and some arrogant slob is handing out our can only conclude some type of payola is going on, maybe not in the material way, but someone is laughing all the way to British Columbia. how many times have I said too myself and friends, why don't theses jokers write some thriller type script ..stay with the movie line, but show us some intelligence , stop the gross slap in our face.and show some pride, instead of this crap. CGI is the worst as usual
jimmerw Awful, just bloody awful. It is difficult to decide what negative aspect of the movie to discuss as there were so may. In fact, I would speak of a positive aspect if I could find one.I am a Canadian and cringe whenever I see that I am about to watch a Canadian movie as I have rarely seen one that did not leave me constantly saying "Oh, come on, really?" What bothers me the most is that movies such as these are funded, in part, by tax revenue in the form of government film grants. We have people living on the street, children going to bed hungry at night, and the government feels it is more beneficial to put money into dismal productions like this.I am not one who turns off a movie once I start watching one. Perhaps I am a glutton for punishment as this movie (using the word loosely) left me feeling like I threw away the portion of my life that was devoted to watching this. It is as if it was a class project done by students from a high school film class.I honestly do not understand how it is that people can produce a work like this and feel that it is good. Spend the money needed to create something of this calibre and release it on the unsuspecting public.I seldom write reviews, but I am so tired of seeing my tax dollars going to make such horrible movies that I had to vent. If given the opportunity to watch this movie or scrub toilets in a subway station, go for the toilets. It will surely be far more rewarding and enjoyable.