R | 18 October 2011 (USA)
Freerunner Trailers

With a ticking bomb locked to his neck, a young freerunner races against the clock and all types of baddies to get from one end of the city to the other to save himself and his girlfriend.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
greengrass-mg I wanted to watch this film to see if it was really as bad as everyone had reviewed. However, I could not watch it for more than 30 minutes because the camera was never still. It was as if I was watching a home video. The scenes were very shaky and extremely zoomed in- leaving out important side information. Even during scenes filmed in a hospital, there was excessive camera movement. I would compare this film to episodes of the Power Rangers from the late 90's. Sometimes the words that the actors were saying did not match up with their lips. They attempted to intensify parkour/freerunning action shots by shaking the camera.
chrichtonsworld So I am going to regret saying this. But even Uwe Boll is making better movies. Blasphemy! I know. I did say I was going to regret saying that. When watching the movie I was not really expecting much.But this being about free running I was expecting some decent stunts. If there was some free running involved I barely could make out what was happening because one of the gimmicks was the use of a shaky cam. Whose brilliant idea was that. People not knowing anything about free running must get the wrong impression about this extreme sports. As not single shot shows what free running really is. To top it of they mix in a Battle Royale game and Danny Dyer overacting like he never did before. Seriously I did give this movie a chance. But everything about it is just plain horrible.Avoid!
davismickey48 It starts kind of slow with a crappy ass opening title sequence that looks like it's out of bad M-TV parkour challenge show, then the movie starts and it's like the opening titles all over again, but it looks like it's in the 80's, but it kind of grows on you. Then the Russian chick starts singing jazz and I threw my shoe at the screen. So if you can get through that you get a reward! A death game with these guys, exploding heads, hot blonde hostess, big time action and really funny billionaires. I can't tell whether they're trying to be funny or not but it's really funny with some good lines. "Bring it d-face!" "I'm not Chinese, I'm Korean you dumb f--k!" The dude in this movie who played the guy in red should have been the star, he was the only one who could act and freerun, everyone else is just a prop. And Sean Faris, boring. Who is this guy? He thinks he's Tom Cruise, he even says "crystal" like yeah I'm crystal clear I'm a Tom Cruise imposter. But it's really a fun movie, like a big live action cartoon. Not a super serious thing like B-13 or Bourne, but like a big dumb action cartoon show you'd see right after Power Rangers, except with nudity and violence and f bombs. Oh, and Danny Dyer chewing on a cigar. He's like "I'm Evil..." so funny. Were these guys serious or not, I want to know!! All in all it was like the best damn thing I watched on TV last weekend and me and buddies have been laughing about it ever since!
sheliamorris This was an OK action movies, it wasn't all bad. I would give this about a 7, because the first 30 or 40 minutes were too slow and hard to get through without yawning. A lot of people seem to like Sean Faris, but he is just average to me. One thing that annoyed me is the accent of the love interest, talk about making your ears hurt. If it wasn't for the stunts and my brother wanting to watch this movie, I probably would have not finished the movie, but I did. Mr. Faris illegal antics to bet and win (on himself) to get him and his family out of town backfired and the action begins. The actors could have delivered their lines better, it just seem too forced and not the right emotions. The chase and racing does keep you entertained otherwise the movie would put you to sleep.Overall the movie is fun and the action scenes don't hurt either. The plot could have been better but hey this is what you get.