PG-13 | 24 February 2017 (USA)
Collide Trailers

An American backpacker gets involved with a ring of drug smugglers as their driver, and winds up on the run from his employers across Cologne’s autobahns.

FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
cantordelanoche In every movie there is an expectation to suspend an extent. This one asks you to shut off any relations you have with common sense or cognitive thought. Anthony Hopkins (he is fab, but over the top) character...a real baddie, but ultra powerful, stand up business man, famous, squeaky suddenly popping people and brandishing a gun in a gas Germany...Germany!...where there is probably a camera or two. Like his henchman (who we assume is highly trained & paid) thinks it is a genius idea to run around a Subway station brandishing a gun...and shooting it in the for it..Germany......AGAIN there is probably a few cameras & cops around. Then there is the empty eyed hero...I counted 3 times in the film where he gets lucky flailing around and grabbing something that saves him. I was bored and watched it, felt compelled to write this....did the Producers assume people have gotten really stupid? they had a budget and two amazing actors. They decided to make a film about a dummy getting chased by villains who make stupid mistakes. Instead of saying "ok, we got the guy from Sexy Beast...let's shoot for that level"
Ric Harris OMG! This is THE most under-rated, under-marketed movie ever! 2 old guys with blockbuster flawless convincing performances (thank you Sirs) + a fabulous, sexy, exhilarating performance by the soon to be "A-list" youngsters, and I NEVER HEARD A WORD ABOUT THIS MOVIE UNTIL I WATCHED IT! SHAME! WATCH!!! Think about what you would be willing to do for love while you watch this, and how many times it might all become nevermore! Thrilling! I would have rated this as a 10 if it had been marketed and put out there in mass media! Shame!!! All of the negative reviews seem to be from those who are enthralled by names, not substance, and missed the point of the reality for these characters. Woo hoo, "autobahn, Hopkins, Kingsley," but stopped at the name, and did not see the depth and the substance. Listen, don't watch, or at least don't review movies if characters who risk everything don't move you! Seriously, you feckless putz, what have you ever risked for anything?!? Yeah, right, I thought so!!!
lavatch "Collide" succeeds because it does not pretend to be anything more than it is on the surface: a fast-paced thriller with a campy sound score, well-developed characters, and some sly humor.The film's subtitle is "How Far Would You Go For the One You Love?" That monosyllabic cliché fits perfectly with the schmaltz of the characters, a young American hustler (Nicholas Hoult) and a beautiful American blonde (Felicity Jones), who are both expatriates residing in Germany.The two villains are perfectly matched with the urbane cutthroat businessman-drug lord (Anthony Hopkins) and the uncouth middleman Geran (Ben Kingsley). The snooty Hopkins character Hagen quotes Shakespeare and snobbishly looks down on his underlings. By contrast, Kingsley is an insecure social climber more interested in status than wealth.The two young lovers are caught up in the daring gambit of the heist of a truck carrying golf balls filled with cocaine. Casey Stein, the hustler who falls in love with Juliette, who needs a kidney transplant, proves himself capable of escaping from the clutches of both Hagen and Geran.As the film wears on through the fast-paced action sequences, it is impossible not to root for Casey and Juliette to defy the odds and turn the tables on the Shakespearean line quoted by Hagen: "Never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo." For a couple of mushy hours of an action film, however, it does appear as though love conquers all!
tlarraya Another waste of time. This movie is just about car chasing/races dressed up with a very small touch of romance. It's ridiculous and pointless. There are no surprises. You would think by the actors that it might be good but no, it's a complete waste of time. Watch something else if you can.