| 14 October 2003 (USA)
Spiderbabe Trailers

A socially awkward young woman gets bitten by a radioactive spider and becomes a crime-fighting superhero and tries to defeat a nefarious super villain while going after any man (or woman) she wants to bed down with.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
SteinMo What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
augustian There are R-rated and Unrated versions of this film and both are let down by poor writing, directing and editing. The plot follows the Spiderman films so that our heroine, Patricia Porker (Erin Brown/Misty Mundae) is bitten by a radio-active spider and becomes Spiderbabe, with the ability to shoot spider webs from a certain private part of her anatomy. She also becomes proficient at kick-boxing and here lies the problem - she hardly uses her webs to fight the criminals, so what is the point of her being Spiderbabe?Both versions of the film have their plusses and minuses. The R-rated film has a really funny question and answer session between the students and Dr Dowell but this has been cut to almost nothing in the Unrated version. Similarly, an R-rated scene in which Patricia is packing up to leave home has a joke by Aunt Maybe about a friend called Michael Crotch (think about it) but is omitted entirely in the Unrated film so we do not know how Patricia ends up in another apartment. The (mainly lesbian) sex scenes are cut down in the R-rated film but go on for much longer (too long in my opinion) in the Unrated version.The cast do their best with the material. Misty Mundae deserves better than this and is really pretty in a girl-next-door kind of way. She has a great Unrated scene with C J DiMarsico. Julian Wells hams it up as Femtilian. This is a typical sexy comedy Seduction Cinema production and should not be compared to mainstream films but even so, the crew should have remembered what being Spiderbabe was all about.
The_Void Spiderbabe is something of a departure for Seduction Cinema; it's longer than their usual movies and the script actually feels like it took longer than about five minutes to put together. Of course that doesn't mean the film would qualify as Oscar material; but it does qualify as by far and away the best Seduction Cinema film that I've seen so far. As the title suggests, the film is a spoof of Spider-Man, only as you would expect from Seduction Cinema; there's plenty of lesbian sex thrown in too. The scenes ripped off from Spider-Man are rather well observed, however and the film is really funny; which is really what makes it better than the usual fare. The plot focuses on Patricia Porker; a shy young schoolgirl whose life is changed forever one day when she is bitten by a radioactive spider. She soon comes to terms with her new powers and after the death of her uncle, decides to use them unselfishly; only for the greater good, and to get laid. Spiderbabe then sets about protecting New York City from various villains, but faces objection from the local press and the mysterious Femtilian....The film (along with the rest of Seduction Cinema's output) is clearly aimed at teenage boys; but really there's something for everyone to enjoy here. The lesbian sex is what will draw most people to the film; and there's certainly plenty of it. Naturally its only softcore, but its actually not badly done and often feels like its actually furthering the plot rather than just being thrown in as filler (although some of it definitely is filler). Where this film really works, however, is the humour; as it very funny, both for the jokes and for the in-your-face stupidity of it all. The film is a lot better in the special effects department than some other Seduction Cinema films; but it's still rather silly. For example, Spiderbabe's costume looks like it was the first thing picked off the shelf at a sex shop. As ever, we get a nice performance from the lovely Misty Mundae; and the supporting cast includes the likes of Julian Wells and Darian Caine. The film will clearly not appeal to everyone (anyone with taste need not apply!) but it's a lot of fun for anyone that enjoys this rubbish. And best of all...the ending leaves things wide open for a sequel, although sadly it doesn't look like one is coming; which is rather unfortunate if you ask me!
julian kennedy Spiderbabe: 7/10: It is important to note I am comparing Spiderbabe to other films in the naked lesbian chicks that guys like to watch genre. I am not comparing it to other big budget superhero movies (though it is better than Daredevil or Catwoman) or movie parodies (nice to see one without Leslie Nielson though), nope strictly the soft-core lesbian porn for guys genre. In that category Spiderbabe is certainly well above average. While not as good as say Lord of the G-strings or Embrace of the Vampire it marks a vast improvement over two recent Misty Mundae films, the equally atrocious Lust for Dracula and New York Wildcats. Unlike those two films you won't be fast-forwarding through the plot. Come to think of it unlike those two films you won't be fast-forwarding throughout the sex scenes either. Spiderbabe doesn't suffer from the "good lord put your clothes back on honey" third tier actresses that often appear in these films. All the girls here are quite attractive. Yet strangely, since the lesbian sex scenes are not the most inventive ever created and there is no real erotic tension between the characters, it is the filler that stands out the most.Spiderbabe is a surprisingly expansive point-to-point deconstruction of the first Spiderman movie. Everything from the tryout as a wrestler to the battle with the Green Goblin is given an erotic twist. And you'll never guess from where Spiderbabe shoots her web (hint it isn't her wrists). While not as funny as G-Strings or erotic as Embrace, Spiderbabe deftly mixes lesbian sex scenes and spot on parody into an entertaining romp. If you like your lesbian porn with humor or for that matter your humor with attractive naked chicks Spiderbabe is for you. And lets all hope no one does an erotic remake of the Hulk shall we.
oxblood This was a pleasant surprise. I caught it on cable one night and I figured it was what it turned out to be: soft-core porn. But it was much better than the usual "Red Shoe Diary" crap. It looked like a fun, sexy low-budget movie. Very Troma-like with flashes of comedy. It followed the "Spiderman" story on the surface but Spidey never looked this hot! All the girls involved are sexy hot!! Misty Mundae and Julian Wells are phenomenal as well as Darian Caine. Lots of sex. But it's to the girls' advantage and not needlessly demeaning. My girlfriend and I have watched it several times and it seems to get sexier every time. I'm not ashamed to admit that I watch this kind of stuff. I've even heard other people at my office talking about it. I hope there's a sequel. NOT FOR KIDS!!!!!!