Zombie Night
Zombie Night
NR | 08 October 2013 (USA)
Zombie Night Trailers

Zombies come out at night and two families must survive until morning.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Brendanflynn5 semi spoiler alert. After stopping this film several times i finally watched it and boy am i sorry. other reviews get it bang on regarding the fact that absolutely none of the characters deserve to live as they have to be the most stupid annoying people in the world. they have iPhone's but have never heard of zombies and oh by the way shoot them in the head, the policeman was a waste of time and you kind of think that in a zombie apocalypse it would be the psychopaths and bikers who would survive as if all suburban people where like these they would be dead in seconds. the writers must have written this in 30 minutes as no thought and direction was given to any of the characters which were wooden and frankly ridiculous and very annoying. yeah lets run into a glasshouse? hmm. so many zombie movies are made on the cheap but i would rather watch a zombie movie made for 5ooo dollars with a great script than a million dollar turkey.
jasorngcntypnk i have about 75 zombie dvds and this is in the top 5 worst zombie films i have ever seen. as bad as it was if they went for a campy comedy then maybe it would have been enjoyable. this movie was made to capitalize on the zombie craze started by the walking dead but fell short of being good. to me this movie seems like it was made by people that had no love for zombie movies. it came across as "hey we need to make a movie. well zombie movies seem popular right now. any one one ever watch one? no. well i'm sure we can make one over the weekend" i don't see how any one approved this movie for release other then it was going on the syfi channel. if you like zombie movies, you won't like it. but if you like syfy films then maybe you can sit through this. i'm sure the writers, producers, directors and actors didn't like this film either. this was a I need a paycheck bad kind of film for the actors.
Ashwin Sathish Nair Warning : The following paragraph is sarcastic. The movie is very complicated.It makes us think and wonder in many ways: 1.The zombies suddenly rise out of the ground on one day.Where were they till now?Playing Poker or something?What the hell?Why did they come up? 2.A girl gets attacked by a zombie in the middle of a road.Where does she run off to for safety? - A cemetery. What the hell? 3.Usually horror movies make us want the people to survive and escape the horror. But this one. It actually makes us want the characters who are acting dead so that we don't want them to live anymore to make us suffer. 4.I was alone in the big theater(Here in India), and I still didn't get scared.It had comedy,adventure and all other crap but it missed the one thing it needed most-Horror. 5.In the movie it lasts for one night and when the sun comes up the zombies died. But what happens when it turn night again? Zombie Night 2 ? What the hell?The movie is a waste of time and energy and just sucks the joy out of your life. PS. Why did they have that old lady in the movie? She just made me wanna rip the screen off.
DiCaprio74 This movie was an absolute train wreck! When you start rooting for the zombies, that's how you know you could care less about any of the characters surviving. Their choice in characters... They picked the best not to star in the best? Is that what we do know? Anthony Michael Hall ... Loved him way better when he played the nerd and geek (Breakfast Club and Sixteen Candles). It's as if he was money hungry so he played this role. Darryl Hannah... Way better playing Elle (Kill Bill Vols). And lastly Shirley Jones, who was given such a bad script that I was actually rooting for a zombie to kill her. Why would any of these actors even take an offer that had to deal with Syfy? I mean, what kind of movie was this anyways? This didn't even fit the cliché version of zombies nor the modernized versions! This movie got more and more frustrating as it went on. I strongly recommend not watching this movie, for life is too short for these types of movies to even consider watching.
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