San Andreas Quake
San Andreas Quake
PG-13 | 19 May 2015 (USA)
San Andreas Quake Trailers

When a discredited L.A. Seismologist warns of an impending 12.7 earthquake, no one takes her seriously. Now on her own, she races desperately to get her family to safety before the earthquake breaks Los Angeles apart from the mainland.

Wordiezett So much average
Steineded How sad is this?
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
lyle-49 I watched the whole thing... and I believe I have lost IQ points. This film was bad.How can any film make the Sharknado series look like masterpieces. Well, this film did it.The acting was terrible with one exception. The elderly couple of Elaine Partnow and Robert Evans. They were clearly the best at a 6 out of 10 on the acting. The rest of the actors would be rated 1's with the maybe one 3 (Jason Woods) - only reason everyone else gets a 1 is because it's the lowest rating available.The photography looked worse than what a freshman high-schooler would produce.The film editing was brutal. I'm wondering if they even were looking at what they were splicing together. Continuity was rough as best. The mistakes in filming were so evident I stopped watching for them.The CGI was less than amateurish if that's even possible.The sad thing about this whole film... people were paid to make it.
stompyboy Everything you could want in a disaster movie: prohibition tunnels, CGI hippos, implausible science, a fat chihuahua in a leather jacket, and Mariska Hargitay's much less talented doppelganger. Oh, and earthquakes. Everything about this movie was terrible but I enjoyed it anyway.
Michael Golden Contains spoilers!! This movie is a perfect candidate for Mystery Science Theater. Watched it to kill time while I did other things but found myself compelled to watch the terribleness of this movie. I actually thought Sharknado was a good laugh, and went into this one hoping for the same, but, WOW, what a junk pile.I half expected a chopper to appear at the end with a guy waving a baby around to get their attention, but it ended so much better. The dog was a perfect slap in the face to the viewer and I applaud the creators for being so daring.It's a good giggle but you'll have more fun picking out all the continuity errors and hell, just making up your own jokes.
anastasig I suppose there could be spoilers but that's like saying there's a hair in my septic tank.Like many of the other reviews I thought I was going to see San Andreas with the Rock and got this instead.I normally aren't into watching bad movies but this had me rolling around on the lounge laughing.From the first line to the last the dialogue was painful. The helicopter that explodes only a few meters behind the actors and they are fine. Almost the only black guy in the movie and he naturally knows how to hot wire a car (BTW you yank a couple of random wires from under the dashboard and rub them together and away you go}. The dead guy they find in a tunnel has died from gas poisoning but they hang around any way.As I said you cant make something so bad in every way by accident.This could be used in film school as what not to do.