The New Swiss Family Robinson
The New Swiss Family Robinson
PG | 25 December 1998 (USA)
The New Swiss Family Robinson Trailers

When Angelino Jack Robinson gets a new job in Australia, he decides to take his sissy wife Ann, brave sons Shane and Todd and wining daughter Elisabeth 'Lizzy' by sailing yacht from Hong Kong to Syndney. The gun he gets thrown in by Sheldon Blake proves disabled, and for a sinister reason: near Borneo, Blake's men turn up to capture them. The family escapes but loses the yacht on a reef. They build a cool camp on an island. But the pirates keep coming back, and the boys discover why: he hid a treasure in the yacht. Shane is also discovered and captured in more then one way by French plane wreck survivor Françoise, who later teams up with the family.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
simononsolway This is a genuinely dreadful film for all the reasons previously mentioned; but the question which sprang out a mile, is why on earth, after changing so much of the story from the original and dropping all references to Switzerland or anything Swiss, did Disney still call it "The New Swiss Family Robinson"? For heaven's sake, at the start of the film the family boat was even flying a US flag rather than the Swiss flag. Why not just call the film "The Family Robinson"? It makes no sense at all. Can't believe that no one else has questioned this. But I guess that just sums up the naffness of the film as a whole.
wmb-5 The plot is painfully unbelievable and slow. The actors are plastic. They look like they are on a trip to the LA zoo rather than being shipwrecked on a deserted island, chased by pirates. I don't mind the pirates being imbeciles. It adds a comic element. But this film takes it to new heights.The sound quality on the VHS version that we viewed was very poor. We missed some of the dialogue, but most of what we heard was not worth hearing. The scenery was beautiful and the house that they built was really cool, but it is not enough to help this film. Don't waste your time on this one. I can't believe that Disney and actors of this caliber could produce this garbage.
Belletrist0 What starts out as a potentially interesting film falters before it hits the midway mark. The writers came up with an interesting premise to shipwreck the family, but as soon as they land on the island, it's like the writers didn't know what to do with the family members. In an effort to prolong the film, they add in scenes that slow down the film, such as showing son Shane Robinson surfing, daughter Elizabeth writing in a journal, or dad Jack being chased by a hungry panther.One could tell they were really running out of ideas when they introduced the character of Francoise, a flirty French-speaking Asian teenager who survived a plane wreck that killed her parents and left her alone for ten years. A cringe-inducing plot line that will have the viewer rolling his eyes, Francoise kidnaps Shane, ties him up, feeds him chewed-up food, tries to steal a peek at his member, and somehow manages to get Shane to fall madly in love with her based on the initial meeting alone. Francoise adds nothing to the story, except to prolong the misery of the film.The final escape from the island is too unrealistic to even comprehend, and leaves the viewer wondering where the last two hours of his life went.
Percursio This movie begs the question: was it made by a Film School as a worst-case scenario as to what will happen if you sleep in class? One would think that Disney had the resources to avoid a thoroughly mindless disaster like this. Watch it only if you're a film student or if you like to slap you forehead constantly for 90 minutes.