Don't Hang Up
Don't Hang Up
| 22 October 2016 (USA)
Don't Hang Up Trailers

An evening of drunken prank calls becomes a nightmare for a pair of teenagers when a mysterious stranger turns their own game against them.

Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Peter Pluymers Maybe it's time for someone like me... to come over there and wipe that smug grin off your face.You know what's fun sometimes? Haphazardly starting a film without knowing what it is about and afterward admitting you were pleasantly surprised. That's my experience with this film. A film with a bit of suspense and tension. And thanks to the short playing time you don't have the feeling it was a waste of time. Even though it isn't a blockbuster. It's also the first time that I didn't feel sorry for the two teenagers Sam (Gregg Sulkin) and Brady (Garrett Clayton). In this movie, these two spoiled, annoying brats reap what they have sown. And the whole time I was expecting the rest of the gang to pop up suddenly and announce it was all one big joke.Like many others, I found the two main actors irritating. But then you have to admit their acting was masterful. Because wasn't that the whole point? After all, they are two obnoxious young boys who pull pranks on others. They make extreme prank calls. The only thing I couldn't believe was the fact that those pranks were watched so massively after posting them online. Is that a reflection of what our society is evolving into? A society where gloating is self-evident?"Don't hang up" is a low-budget film. That's noticeable. Everything takes place mainly in the parental home of Sam. The camera work is uncomplicated but to-the-point. Besides a camera moving through the set in a penetrating way, it generally looks mediocre. It gets bloody in this film, but the used "practical effects" don't look spectacular either. And yet this film was worth a watch and can easily be added to a whole series of other films from the same mid-level.Because of the short playing time, the pace is swift in this movie and you don't have to wait long before the unwanted caller turns up. And still despite the pace, one manages to increase the tension gradually. The sinister caller has a rather frightening voice (a Jigsaw-like tone), which in turn makes it extra creepy. His technological omnipotence was slightly exaggerated though. And despite the fact that it's about pretty arrogant and unsympathetic youth, I found the friendship and expression of sacrifice commendable. But all in all, I couldn't avoid gloating and a convincing inner "Yes!" resounded at the end.
Nazz86 Terrible horror, crappy jump scares, no real suspense, TOTALLY unrealistic and over the top.Awful, just awful, beyond awful.
Coventry I can spend hours on YouTube, clicking one pointless but entertaining compilation video after another. They have compilation/montage videos of pretty much everything you can think of, and naturally many of them are edited from famous movies, like explosions, car crashes, etc. Just type in whatever random key word in the search field and add the word "compilation"! Why am I writing this? Well, because "Don't Hang Up" reminds me of these videos! This whole film actually feels like a compilation of literally ALL the dreadful clichés and stereotypes that have been overused in slasher movies since the beginning of the genre! This would be awesome if it were deliberately intended as a spoof or an overlong joke, but I suspect that everyone involved in this production considers "Don't Hang Up" a dead-serious and adept career achievement! I dare anyone to find a movie with more clichés. It already starts with the title; - another "Don't!" flick! Between the mid-seventies and early eighties, "Don't" titles were extremely popular and we had masterpieces like "Don't Go in the House", "Don't Answer the Phone", "Don't Open Till Christmas", etc… Then there's the plot. Juvenile phone pranks, are you kidding us? Half of the '80s slasher oeuvre revolves on films where some stupid prank goes horribly wrong and the victim or his/her relatives subsequently take bloody vengeance. "Don't Hang Up" recycles this ancient premise and doesn't add anything, except of course the use of inevitable social media like blogs and smartphones. Moving on to the characters then… If you think that dumb and irritating teenagers only existed in the 1980s, this movie definitely proves you wrong. The pranksters here are guaranteed the most loathsome protagonists you'll ever see. From the very beginning, you'll choose the side of the unknown killer and hope that he will butcher these idiots in the most excruciatingly painful ways imaginable. In order to make the stereotypes complete, they are also miserable cowards who betray each other and sleep with each other's girlfriends. Now, I certainly don't want to sound too arrogant myself and I'll gladly admit that I still prefer watching brainless and straightforward slashers like "Don't Hang Up" over pretentious and wannabe art-house horror flicks. Although 200% uninspired and forgettable, this film at least isn't boring and kept me awake at 4am in the morning after a long day. With a derivative plot and zero suspense, the makers should have been focused on a higher body count and more gruesome killings, though.
Jason Jahzeiah Antonio Though this wasn't a perfect film, it was well orchestrated. The build-up is great, the story - intriguing and so are the characters. The acting by a few seemed sketchy but nonetheless, they delivered. By far one of the top thrillers to actually have a well-grounded story line and thought-out ending. Definitely, would recommend this.